“You’re not giving him a chance.”

“That’s where you’re wrong. I gave him plenty of chances. And my personal life is none of your business, Dad.”

“Of course it is. You’re my daughter.”

“Whatever.” Why’s Miles late? “I’ve got to go.”

“Tessa. Unless you do as you’re told, I promise you’ll regret it.” His voice is rising now. What, he’s finally ruffled? “I’m not paying a cent more for an ungrateful brat such as you.”

I knew this was coming. “You said so already.”

“I mean it, Tessa.”

“Well, you know what?” I finally spot Miles and wave at him. I see his face brighten up. “Screw you, Dad. I’ll be fine without your help. Don’t call me again.”

As I disconnect, I think for the first time maybe it’s true. I will be fine, without his money and demands, without the pressure to be someone I’m not. Audrey has been telling me all along I should get a job, move out, become independent. If I’d listened to her, I’d have saved myself a lot of heartache.

Though, if I’d listened to her, I’d never spoken to Dylan again. I wouldn’t have waited, wouldn’t have hoped… wouldn’t have slept with him again.

And where did that get me? Stupid, Tessa. Stupidity on repeat. I can’t sleep with him again. For him it’s just a physical release, unlike it is for me.

Not that it wasn’t good. God. My body tightens at the memory. No, the reason I stayed, I remind myself as Miles climbs into the jeep and beams at me, is to fight back and gain my freedom, my self-esteem. To find myself again.

If Dylan’s brothers need my help—if Dylan needs my help—I’ll help them. I’m making a difference in their lives, and this makes me feel strong. Needed. Worthy. It makes me feel damn good, better than I’ve felt about myself in a very long time.

I’m not doing it for Dylan. I’m doing it for me. I’m taking charge of my life.

Miles interrupts my thought when he enters the jeep. He looks good. The bruises he sported when I first met him are fading now, and his smile comes more easily. He’s so cute.

“How’s Teo today?” I ask as we set off.

“Better.” Miles grins. “I didn’t know if you were coming today.”

“I called Dylan this morning and let him know.”

He’d sounded surprised. Wary. And as always, tired.

“Dylan won’t be home now,” Miles says. “And Charlie is looking after Teo. Can we go get ice cream?”

“You should eat lunch first.”

He sticks his tongue out at me. “You’re as bad as Dylan.”

But he grins again, and somehow it doesn’t sound so bad. It probably means I’m doing something right. Getting the hang of being around kids.

No idea why that should matter to me, but it does. Probably comes with fighting the whole “she’s-a-pampered-princess” thing Dylan seems so set on believing.

The day is gray and miserable. It starts to rain as we approach the house. I think of the cold and damp inside and shiver.

I park and turn to Miles. “Here we are.”

“You like Dylan, don’t you?” Miles gives me a dead serious look. It looks out of place on his young face, way too old and wise. He reminds me so much of Dylan it’s crazy.

“We’re friends.”

“More than that. You want to be with him like… Like Mom and Dad used to be.”

I swallow past a knot in my throat. “Miles…”