My face heats up with humiliation.

“Goodbye, Sean.” I turn to go, not sure where I am, and not caring.

“Stop right there.” He’s right behind me, and a sob catches in my throat. “You’re not going anywhere.”

“You can’t stop me.” I start moving again, and he grabs my waist, halting my progress. Fea turns my limbs to ice. “Let me go, Sean, dammit.”

“You little slut,” he whispers, and I feel dizzy and disconnected from my body. “You thought you could get away? Your daddy gave you to me.”

“He can’t give me away.” My teeth are chattering. “This isn’t the Middle Ages.”

“Where big money is involved, baby, the laws you know don’t apply. Didn’t your daddy explain this to you?”

“You’re sick,” I mutter and try to pry his hands off me. “Get off of me!”

He’s breathing down my back, and there’s nothing I can do. I glance around, but there’s no one to help me.

“You’ll do as I say, and be nice and sweet,” he whispers in my ear. “Otherwise the deal I convinced my dad to make with yours is off, and your daddy won’t be happy.”

“I don’t care!”

“You don’t say. What will you do if daddy dearest withdraws his financial help? What then, little bitch?” He shakes me until my teeth rattle, then turns me around so fast my foot twists, and I start going down.

He keeps me upright, though, and sneers in my face as I get my feet back under me, my breath wheezing. Black spots swim in my vision.

“I don’t care,” I manage and take a wobbly step back, as much as his hold will allow me. “He can’t sell me. I’m not his property. Let me go.”

His eyes narrow, as if he’s noticing my words, my refusal, for the first time. “You have no choice, Tessa.”

The hell I don’t. “Let me go, or I swear I’ll scream.”

“Will you now?” He’s suddenly crushing me to him, crushing his mouth to mine, biting my lower lip. The pain makes me cry out, but he swallows the sound, forces his tongue against mine. Invading me.

Just when I think I’ll pass out, he pushes me off him, then raises his hand and slaps me. Hard.

The world spins, black mixing with red and green. The back of my head impacts on something hard, and jabs of fire go through my back.


I blink, and find myself on my back in the wet grass, staring up at the night sky.

“Bitch,” Sean is raving, walking back and forth in front of me, hands in the pockets of his dark suit. “You thought you could break up with me? Me?” He shakes his head at the absurdity of the concept. “You’ll pay. I’ll make sure of it.” He turns to me and jabs a finger at my chest, glaring. “One word from me, and your dad’s deal is history. He worked for years to get this far. You think he’d hesitate even for one second to comply? You think you’re important to him? Are you that naïve? You’ll have to work hard to appease me.”

I stare at him. The shock of what he’s saying is subtle—seeping slowly into my skin and flesh, into my bones. Into my mind. Audrey said it many times, but somehow it isn’t until now it sinks in.

My dad doesn’t care about me. His work, his money, his success is more important. So important he’d push me back into Sean Anholt’s clutches, even though I told him, told both my parents how he treated me. How he forced himself on me. How he hurt me.

They don’t give a damn. They didn’t drag me here because they want to close a deal with the Jensons, but with the Anholts. I am to suck it up and go quietly, be a sacrifice for their business.

I wonder why my mother isn’t here. She couldn’t stomach it? Didn’t want to watch?

“You can’t see how good I am for you,” Sean is saying, and he crouches at my side. “I’m the best catch in Chicago, and I came to this backwater just for you.” His hand hovers over my face, and I brace for another slap. His mouth twists. “Open your eyes, Tessa. I’m the best you’ll ever hope to get, and fate has pushed us together.”

My dad, I think. Not fate. Just my dad who doesn’t care about me.

As Sean leans over me, anger fills me. I don’t think I’ve ever felt anything like it, this wave of hot and cold rushing through me at the same time, this sensation of being crushed and strong all at once. So disappointed and yet glad to finally know.

My heart is still pounding like a hammer against my ribs, tears leak from the corner of my eyes, and I can’t catch my breath. And yet a strange calm settles over me. I’m leaving. This is it. Whatever happens, I’m not letting Sean, or my parents, or anyone for that matter get a hold on me.