Ash laughs and toasts me. Everyone turns to look at me, brows raised.

My ears are burning. But then where is he? Another scan of the crowd doesn’t reveal any gorgeous, tall, broad-shouldered guys with Mohawks.

“Next round’s on me,” Dylan says, then turns to talk to a blonde with a body like an hourglass, and I see the light in Tessa’s eyes dim.

Damn. For all her words of wisdom about avoiding having my heart broken by Zane, she hangs on to someone who doesn’t seem to realize how in love she is with him. And if she won’t follow her own advice, why should I?

Caution, that little voice in my head pipes up. You’ve been with a crazy guy like Zane before. You know what it did to you. You should know better by now.

I should, true, but logic is swallowed up in heart-pounding excitement when I finally spot Zane, leaning against the bar, dressed in a black muscle shirt that shows off his tattooed arms.

My mouth goes dry, and my heart accelerates when he tilts his head to the side and grins, then leans over the bar and says something.

To a brunette dressed in a tiny top that shows off her cleavage and trim waist. She laughs at his words and reaches over to stroke his cheek.

My eyes feel hot. There’s a whistling in my ears. He leans toward her, and she laughs again and shakes her head. I can’t look away. It’s like a train wreck.

Tessa had warned me. I never thought seeing him with another woman would make me feel so crappy. I want to punch that woman in the face. I want to slap him and storm away like a drama queen.

But I don’t. I feel sick to my stomach. So I just put my beer down quietly, slip out of my chair and head out.


“Dakota, wait up! Wait!” The voice isn’t Tessa’s. Maybe Audrey’s?

It doesn’t matter. I can’t stop. My combat boots thump dully on the sidewalk. Wrapping my arms around me, feeling chilled although it’s a warm night, I try to put as much distance between myself and the bar where Zane is flirting with the girl behind the bar.

Jealous? a snotty little voice in my head asks.

Shit. I walk faster, breaking into a jog, letting the rhythm of my steps settle my racing heartbeat. My left leg sends a little twinge up my spine. I ignore it.

That was stupid of me, falling for Zane. Good thing this happened before I fall harder. Before he breaks my heart. It’s only held together by a Band-Aid and a string, and if that goes…

Why did I think I was ready for this?

“Dakota!” Audrey sounds breathless. I remember she’s wearing ridiculously high heels, like Tessa, and I slow down. A few months ago she twisted her ankle running like that.


“Jesus. Wait.” She slows to a stop and bends over, hands on her knees, wheezing. “I saw. I saw you.”

“Saw me?”

“Saw you looking at them.”

I stomp away from her. “Yeah. Tessa warned me. Stay away from Zane, blah, blah, blah. I know, okay? I know. Learned my lesson now. I’ll stay away from him.”

“No.” She straightens, her red curls wild. “Listen. That girl at the bar. That’s Megan.”

I blink. “What do I care about her damn name?”

“She’s just a friend. Of Zane’s. Damn, you run fast.” She wipes a hand over her mouth.

“They were awfully friendly with

each other.”

“That’s just how they are. I pinky swear. I wouldn’t lie to you.” Audrey glances back, and I see Ash coming our way.