Something’s tickling my nose, and a sneeze is building up. With a heartfelt groan—because I’m comfortable, warm and buried under thick layers of sleep—I roll my head and rub my nose with the back of my hand.

“Wake up, sleepyhead,” a soft feminine voice whispers close to my ear, and I jump at least an inch off the mattress, wrapped in the covers as I am.

Erin laughs at me, a tuft of her hair approaching my nose again, and I’m frozen in place as the pieces of last night come together with a soft crash.

The shop. Ash. The fight. The panic attack.

Erin. In my bed, in my arms, lying below me, naked and breathtaking.

I swallow hard.

Then her words finally register. “Sleepyhead?” I mutter incredulously. I haven’t slept a wink in weeks. What is she…?

“It’s eight. I need to go to class.”

Eight? Really? Whoa.

She pulls away, and I make a grab for her, not ready for this dream to be over so quickly. “Class?”

“College.” She makes a face. “Though I should forget about studies and get a job. I don’t need more debts.”

“More? Why?” I blink, kicking my slow brain into higher gear. “Wait a minute. You have debts?”

She sighs and sits back on her heels. She’s dressed in her lacy underwear, and where I’m naked under the covers my body is starting to wake up and take an interest in the way her breasts look so soft, trapped in the black lace. Like two doves I itch to free from their cages.

Oh fuck, getting poetic. Bad sign…

I throw back the covers and in the process expose my hardening dick. Again I feel her gaze move over it, searing hot. Unable to resist, I reach down and give my erection a good, hard squeeze that makes me grunt in pleasure.

Erin’s eyes are wide, the coffee brown nearly swallowed in black. “I should…uh, should go,” she stammers but makes no move to leave the bed. Instead, she touches with her fingertip the tip of my dick, and I almost lose it then and there.

“Morning wood?” she inquires sweetly.

I snort. “I’d have to be dead not to react, seeing you like this.” I touch her arm and she leans in for a kiss. It’s sweet and spicy and when her tongue tangles with mine I forget where I am. Groaning in her mouth, I lift my hand to cup the back of her head, pressing her closer.

When she pulls back, her lips are red and her eyes bright. Somehow in all this, her hand has landed on top of mine where it’s curled around my weeping dick.

“I want to see you come.”

“Like this?”

“Just like this.”

“Fuck.” I didn’t mean to give her the whole show, but she’s breathing hard now. Her nipples are hard, and when she licks her lips, I’m a goner. “Fuck, Erin, I’m gonna…”

My dick spasms, and I jerk as cum splashes on my chest. It feels so good, and she leans in, recapturing my mouth, swallowing my moans as the orgasm rolls through me.

Her hands move to the back of my neck, and her fingers bury themselves in my hair. She breaks the kiss, letting me draw a shaky breath, and smiles.

“Your morning wood is sodden,” she says with mock severity.

Wha…? Oh. She’s plastered on me, and my cum is gluing us together. I bare my teeth. “Morning wood will return from the dead.”

She grins. “Zombie morning wood?”

“Very definitely a zombie morning wood.”

She giggles, and it’s like crystal chimes—not too high-pitched, not fake. Pure. It’s a perfect moment, her in my arms, the light spilling from the windows painting her face with joy.