She has a smear of syrup on her chin, and I reach over and wipe it off with my thumb.

“You’re just so beautiful,” I whisper, and my dick is rising again without asking for permission. Automatically I reach down and give it a squeeze. Down.

Her gaze drops to my crotch and her pupils dilate. Her lips part, her dark nipples harden underneath the flimsy fabric of her blouse, and I can’t look away. She’s so fucking pretty. I lean closer and lick the seam of her lips. So sweet.

“Tell me to stop,” I whisper as my hands lift to clasp her waist. “To take it slow.”

“Too late for that,” she whispers and draws me closer. I drop to my knees between her legs and kiss her, drink her in. Her lips open under my assault and her tongue strokes mine. Her fingers bury themselves in my short hair and tug, the light sting on my scalp going straight to my dick, tightening everything and making me dizzy with need.

I break the kiss, breathless. “Erin.” I have a plan, dammit, to make her see I want more from her than just sex, to make her say she’ll be my girlfriend again. Why can’t I stick to it? “Would you watch a movie with me tonight?”

She blinks, her dark lashes sweeping over her caramel eyes. “The movie you brought me?”

Hadn’t thought of that. I was going to take her to the movie theater. They’re showing a sci-fi movie, something futuristic with spaceships and monsters—which I guess can’t be very different from the one I brought her. “Sure. Would you like that?”

Her gaze lights up. “Yes!”

“What time? I finish work at ten. Shall I come by afterward?”


I grin at her, elated. “Awesome.” My heart is racing, but it’s a good feeling. I get up, still hard, but dammit I don’t care, because I’m so happy.

She tugs on my arm. “Tyler, what do you think about—?”

I kiss her again, swallow her yelp of surprise. I take my time, tasting her, eating her up. She’s delicious, and I have to force myself to draw back and get on my feet. “See you tonight.”

She brings her fingers to her reddened mouth, her eyes dazed, and I walk out of her door, hoping this mad plan will work.


The movie must be good. I get glimpses of monstrous creatures and huge mechas crashing into each other, battles underwater and explosions rocking the world. It’s my favorite kind of movie. I’ve barely if ever been to the movies since I left Madison.

But I barely notice, all my attention on the hot girl curled up on the couch next to me.

Erin is wearing a soft white sweater that I swear is going to drive me crazy before the film is over, because with every breath she takes, I can see her breasts rising and falling, perfect round mounds, and when the tension rises in the movie, I see her nipples pebble.

She turns bright eyes to me and catches me watching her. She smiles and leans a bit more into my side, her denim-clad legs bent at the knee and tucked behind her. “This movie is awesome,” she breathes. “I love it.”

That’s my girl. I smile back, pleased. “You don’t go to the movies often?”

“Not since you left.”

My smile falls. “I’m so sorry, Erin.”

“Shh. That’s okay.” She presses her forefinger to my lips. “Not your fault I didn’t look for someone else to go to the movies with.”

And now I’m ridiculously happy nobody else got to share this with her but me. “Tessa doesn’t like action movies?”

“Or science fiction. Or fantasy.” She sighs and rolls her eyes and that makes me want to laugh.

“What does she like, then?”

“European boring dramas and violent Latin-American movies.”

“Because what we’re watching isn’t violent.” I stick my tongue out at her. “That monster there is trying to eat that guy—”

She pokes me in the chest. “That’s different. This is fantasy, not real. I don’t like real violence. Have you been going to the movies?” She shifts closer, her breasts pressing on my side, and I lose track of the conversation.