And with that he strides across the living room and out of t

he apartment, leaving me worried, confused and downright frightened.

For Tyler. And for myself—because it hurts inside when I think about him. Too many emotions jostle for space where I thought there was nothing left but emptiness.


After classes, I call Mom from the campus. She’s back home from the hospital, but still weak and in bed. Worry’s eating at my stomach lining, like acid. I make her promise to take it easy, then I talk to Jax who’s happy as ever to hear from me, telling me all about his day and asking when I’ll be back visiting.

“As soon as I can,” I tell him truthfully, because I need to be with him and see Mom. The only problem is I’ve fallen so far behind on my studying it isn’t even funny. “I’ll try to come by, maybe this weekend.”

He doesn’t sound too happy with my maybes. I can’t blame him. I miss him, too.

I hang up, feeling down in the doldrums. The thought I’m not good enough for anyone creeps up, pressing down on me. I’m such a failure. Not seeing Jax enough, leaving so much on my parents’ shoulders, falling behind in my classes… and still unable to draw an answer from Tyler.

The things Zane told me last night—about Tyler’s scars—mingle with my frustration and turn my stomach. I sit in my car, undecided. But before I can make up my mind, my cell starts ringing. Incoming call from Tessa.


“Hey.” Tessa’s voice is low and strained. “Where are you at?”

“Campus. What’s wrong?”

“Jeep broke down, and Audrey can’t come right now. She’s still in classes. Come get me, pretty please?”

I can practically hear the pout.

“Where are you?”


Sighing in defeat, I promise to pick her up and disconnect. Still too deep in other thoughts, it isn’t until I’m parked outside her building that I realize I haven’t even asked her where she wants to go.

Tessa bounds to the car and slips inside. “Can you take me to Damage?”

My palms begin to sweat at the possibility of seeing Tyler again. “Why there?”

“Ash and Dylan will pick me up to go for coffee.”

Dylan. Big surprise. And Asher… Another person I have to talk to and apologize.

By the time I park outside Damage, my heart thumps double time. Tessa thanks me, grins and jumps out of my car, all bouncy with excitement. I’m about to pull off the curb, when Zane steps out, followed by Dylan who’s gesturing and talking, looking annoyed.

They meet Tessa halfway to the shop as I roll down my window to say hi, and the cause of Dylan’s annoyance becomes clear when he says Asher’s name, followed by cursing.

Asher said he’d meet them and hasn’t made an appearance.

“It’s time he got his head out of his fucking ass and talked to his brother,” Zane’s saying.

“Man, after Tyler left him like that? I thought you were on Asher’s side.”

“Fucker, relax and take a breath, okay? This is for Ash as much as it is for Tyler. Do you think it’s good for Ash to keep all that anger inside? Tyler is his family, and he ain’t got much of it left, if you haven’t noticed.”

They’re caught up in their discussion, but Tessa has stilled and is looking toward the shop. I follow her gaze, and my mouth goes dry.

Tyler’s standing at the door of Damage Control, an arm braced on the frame, a hand buried in his tousled dark hair. He hasn’t noticed me yet, his eyes focused on Zane and Dylan. His blue, long-sleeved shirt stretches tight over his broad chest and shoulders, and the sleeves are rolled up, displaying his corded forearms. I take him in hungrily—from his shaggy hair to the faint stubble on his jaw, to his low-slung, faded jeans and biker boots. He’s so gorgeous my breath catches.

I’m so focused on the way the coarse fabric of his trousers molds to his strong thighs, I jerk in surprise when he starts walking toward me. He’s looking right at me now, and there’s a hot intensity in his gaze.