Maybe. What she does need is to go and talk to Dylan, but who am I to give advice on such matters?

“Okay, so the list.” I draw a deep breath. “It’s quite short, really. My boyfriend

needs to, one, tell me I’m the most beautiful girl in the whole world. Two, tell me and show me he loves me with actions, not only words. Remember what I like and give it to me. Share it with me. Three, love me for who I am—half-Latina, curvy and spicy, with my mood swings and my crazy moments. Four, he has to be honest with me, not hide anything from me.” I swallow hard, because these last used to be at the top of my list once upon a time, when Tyler left without a word. “And Five, his name can’t be Tyler Devlin.”

“Oh, girl…” Tessa’s eyes are sad now. “You’re so gone. Jax doesn’t stand a chance.”

I flinch and turn away. That’s not the reaction I expected. This was a mistake, telling her, letting her see how much Tyler’s absence has hurt me.

Especially as I realize with painful clarity that every single entry of my list has to do with him—his good and bad sides. He has been with me all along.

But Jax is more important; my love for him is different and just as strong.


After classes in the afternoon, I redial Tyler’s number, but he still doesn’t answer. Can’t he hear his phone ring? Or did Zane give me the wrong number?

I’m about to try again when Dad calls me. Frowning, I stare at his cell number flashing, complete with the word ‘Dad’ and his picture. He calls me precisely twice a year—on my birthday and Christmas. My Mom is the one who calls all the time to check on me.

I connect the call. “Dad? What’s wrong?”

“Erin, hey. Everything’s fine, don’t worry.” Dad doesn’t have a drop of Hispanic blood in his veins, but he normally likes using Spanish words when he talks to me. The fact that he doesn’t, and the stiffness in the way he speaks tells me there are unfamiliar people around him.

“Then why are you calling? Where’s Mom?”

A pause in which my heart pounds in my ears like a war drum. “She’s feeling a little unwell, and asked me to—”

“Unwell? What do you mean? What’s wrong?” The room tilts sharply, and I stagger until I knock into a wall and slide down. I lean my head back and close my eyes. “Dad, you have to tell me what is going on.”

“She just got dizzy and fell. I brought her to the ER. The doctors are checking her out now. Jax is with her. They’re saying it’s just a lack of vitamins and iron…”

My ears buzz. I’m glad I’m sitting down because my whole body shakes. “Oh God. I’m coming there right now.”

“Honey, it’s nothing. Your mom’s saying she doesn’t want you coming over. You can’t miss any more classes, and—”

“Erin?” Mom’s sweet voice, and I close my eyes, fighting tears. “Mamita, I’m fine. I told your dad not to call, but the big oaf won’t listen to me. Then again, what’s new?” She huffs. “I forgot to take my pills for a while. That’s all.”

“Mom, why?” She’s got an ulcer and when it flares, she becomes anemic and has to have blood transfusions when it gets bad. “Why aren’t you careful?”

“Sorry, baby. Had a lot on my mind—with you and Jax. I want you to be happy.”

“I am happy!”

“I know, I know. Won’t happen again,” she mumbles and I hear the remorse in her voice.

I sigh, and a rustling in the phone heralds the return of my father.

“Honey, your mom will be fine. I just wanted to let you know. No need to do anything for now, but if we can’t handle it, I’ll call you again, okay?”

“Okay,” I say, my voice small. “I’ll call you tomorrow. Let me know if you need help, yes?”

“Sure thing, honey.” I can hear the smile in his voice. “This is nothing, just a bump in the road. We’ve been through much worse and come out stronger.”

Yeah. I remember my time at the clinic. How scared I was. How worried they were for me. We made it through.

“Love you, Dad.” I swallow past the lump in my throat. “Keep an eye on Mom for me.”

“Will do.”