
Then I see one of the fighters I met a few days ago—has it been only a few days?—and I step into the street to intercept him.

“Massimo.” I wait until a faint light of recognition flashes in his gaze. “Can you give a message to Johnny for me? It’s urgent.”

“Why don’t you give it?”

Yeah, about that... “I had a run in with Carl. He’d better not know I’m here.”

He chews on that; seems to find it reasonable. “Okay. What is it?”

“Tell Johnny I’ll be waiting here. I haven’t come to fight; just to talk.”

He nods and goes into the club, leaving me with sweaty palms and a heart going into overdrive. Nothing can stop Johnny from sending Carl and his men against me once more, and I’m not in a shape to fight back this time.

The minutes stretch. Shit, this is a crappy idea. I shouldn’t have come, not so soon after getting beaten up. I should have waited until Johnny’s anger fades. I should have—

The heavy metal door of the club opens and Johnny comes out. He climbs up the steps to the street, glances around and spots me.

He’s alone. That seems as good a sign as any.

I push off the building wall and wait for him to join me in the shadows.

“What’s up, kid?” He actually grins at me, and that throws me off. Then he takes a better look, squinting from under bushy brows, and his smile falls. “What the hell happened to you?”

“Are you kidding me?” I realize my hands are clenching into fists and force them open. “Carl and your men happened to me. Sliced me open. Said I set the cops on you when they came looking for me.”

He whistles. “That wasn’t a smart move, kid. I swear I didn’t know about this, but always keep the cops out of here.”

“The cops came looking because Dad was found dead and I was AWOL. Someone saw me enter the club and reported it.”

“Damn, Ash. Told you to leave the club. That kind of life ain’t for you. You’re a good kid. Could be a great fighter, fighting legally. Jake, bless his soul, trained you well.”

Yeah, Johnny has said that before. I scratch the back of my head. “So I guess you’re not out to kill me, then?”

“Kill you?” He sighs. “I wanted to help you. You’re Jake’s boy, and no matter his faults, he was my friend. Look, I’ll make sure Carl doesn’t come after you again.”

I nod. “Thanks.”

“Ash... If you ever want to get into professional fighting, let me know. I’ve got connections. Think about it.”

I want to think about it, but my head’s spinning. Besides, I don’t know if I’ll be able to go back to fighting again. The doctor wasn’t too pleased when he found out I suffered quite a few concussions in the past years. Said it could cause permanent brain damage and that I should avoid violent sports.

Like fighting.

I nevertheless thank Johnny and turn to go.

Options. For the first time, I have options. I’m free to select my own path.

I only hope Audrey will walk it with me.


I make it back to the apartment before Audrey and huddle on the couch, trying to warm myself up. My little outing has both shaken and exhausted me. I was so stressed out about talking to Johnny, my hands are still trembling, and walking there and back in the wet cold has leeched out the last of my energy.

Plus, Audrey’s smell’s all over the place—sweet and fruity. I swear it permeates the cushions of the couch. It makes me feel comfortable. Way too comfortable.

My head drops back. My lids feel so heavy, which is ridiculous. I’ve slept most of the day away already, but I can’t keep my eyes open. My body sinks into the sofa and I fall into snatches of dreams—dark corridors, broken windows, and a voice repeating, ‘It’s over, it’s all over’ and I can’t decide if it’s a good or a bad thing.