Get a grip. Pull yourself together.

“Dad, it’s me.” Luna’s fished out her phone from her bag. “Yes, I know I’m late. Listen, okay if I stay over at Dena’s? Yes, Dena Johnson, she works with me at the diner. Yeah. Thanks, Dad! I owe ya.”


I shake my head as she puts her phone away, swings the strap of her purse over her shoulder and turns toward me.

Are we quits now? Do I owe her? Why did she kiss me? Why say she was worried? And Buddy? I didn’t see him, didn’t hear him bark.

What was I doing on the roof? I remember the dark teasing at my mind, tearing at it like a dog with a bone—

“Were you really going to jump?”

Hell, my head’s about to split. My pulse is still thumping hard in my ears.

She comes, takes my hand and gives me a tiny smile. “Let’s get out of here,” she says, and I guess, as plans go, that’s about as good as any.


We walk and walk and I dunno why it feels like forever. Probably because I keep forgetting what we’re doing here. It’s like a nightmare, one of those looping never-ending stressful dreams—only she’s with me, and that means it’s not. It can’t be.

I’m shaking with belated reaction. I feel cold even though it’s a balmy night. “Where are we going?”

“I told you, to your house.”

“Shit, okay.”

She slows down, gives me a quick, concerned look. “I can’t think of another place to spend the night. The garage is giving me the creeps right now, and I can’t take you to my home, so...”

“It’s fine.” I guess. I dunno why she wouldn’t go to her house. What did I miss?

It’s not until we’ve entered the cursed house, and she’s dragged me to the ratty sofa, getting up only to close the screen and the door and returning to me, that it clicks that she’s planning to stay.

I must’ve made an inquiring noise because she sighs and tucks her legs under her, slipping her arms around me once more.

“I’m staying,” she says. “I told my dad I’ll stay with Dena, so I can stay with you.”

I don’t reply, don’t ask why, not again. I’d give my right nut to have her stay with me. It’s an unexpected relief in tonight’s chaos, but I should tell her to go. She’s done enough already, and worse still, the way she’s holding me... it’s as if she forgot for a moment who I am.

“Luna...” I don’t wanna remind her. Her hold on me is light, soft. Not enough. I need her so damn bad. If she stays, I don’t know what I’m gonna do. “I’ve hurt you before.”

Her arms tighten slightly around my back and stomach.

I’ve never spent a full night with a girl before, never slept in a bed with one. And with this girl, well... I’ve dreamed of it, locked the dream up in the box where impossible desires go, and now she’s offering. Today of all days, I couldn’t refuse if my life depended on it.

I wouldn’t want to.

And still I’m talking.

“I’m still drunk,” I make myself continue. “Drank myself stupid last night. Today, too.”

“I know,” she whispers, voice muffled against my shoulder.

“I’m an asshole. And a fucked-up mess.”

She hums in agreement. “Tell me something I don’t know.”

It startles a snort out of me. “Just so we’re clear.”