And for some reason, the finality in his voice breaks my heart.

Chapter Eighteen


She’s warm, and soft, and I wanna stay inside her forever. I could ignore the world, ignore what she thinks of me, just for

a while longer. Bury my face in her sweet-smelling hair, feel her curves pressed to my bare skin, and believe I can keep her.

That she’ll keep me.

But that’s a pipe dream, always was, and always will. Nobody wants to keep someone like me. When the hell will I learn? Plus, she doesn’t really want to be here. She thinks she’s paying me back for something I’d have given anyway, that it’s a fee for protecting her and those she loves when I’m helpless when it comes to her.

Yeah, she has no clue, but what chance do I have when in her eyes I’m a criminal she doesn’t want to associate with?

And even worse, she’s right.

Still, pulling out of her is hard. Telling her to go even harder. It’s the best, though, for her. I repeat that to myself when her eyes lose that softness she gets after coming, when that faint glow of pleasure in her expression fades.

I tug off the condom, tie it off and throw it to the floor to pick up later. As I come down from the high of fucking her, holding her, pretending I belong with her, my bad knee starts to ache, and man, I need a drink and a smoke.

Only I can’t stop staring at her, all gleaming pale skin and round tits, her taut rosy nipples and the perfect triangle of her shaved pussy, then those badass black boots. I look up, and I’m caught in her fiery blue eyes.

They narrow at me.

“You’re a real piece of work,” she spits out, and bends over to gather her clothes. “Asshole.”

I eye my pants around my ankles and the thought of bending that knee to pull them up makes me wince. Gritting my teeth, I manage to bend down just enough to snag the waistband and drag them up my legs.

“You’re the one you turned up here,” I mutter, pulling my smokes and lighter from the back pocket and tapping a cigarette out. “You shouldn’t have.”

“What’s your problem?” she hisses, pulling on her panties, then shoving her arms through the straps of her bra and hooking it behind her back, hiding her tits from me. “And what are you looking at?”

I smirk at her, knowing it will piss her off more. “Your tits.”

“Screw you.” A flush rises to her cheeks, and I reach down to stroke my hardening dick through my pants. “What’s wrong with you?”

“That’s a long list,” I tell her, “and a long story.”

She bites her lip, and I exhale, remembering her teeth scraping against mine as we kissed, her pussy gripping my cock like a vise as she came, my name on her lips.


“Save it,” she says, “I don’t want to hear it,” and it shouldn’t fucking hurt, but it does.

“Suit yourself.” I light up, and limp over to the couch. I wasn’t really offering to tell her my life story.

Was I?

I throw the pack of cigarettes and the lighter on the coffee table before sinking down on the sofa with a sigh. God, my knee’s fucked. “And here I thought you came here to talk to me.”

“Now you remember that?”

“What the hell do you want from me, Gigi? Just tell me.” Fuck, and now my eyes burn like I’m about to cry like a little girl. Fuck my life. “Make up your mind.”

“Funny you say that.” From the corner of my eye, I see her yank on her dress and sweater. “You’re the one in a gang. You’re the one ignoring me when your friends are around. And you’re the one asking for sexual favors to help my friend, and to keep me safe.”

I shake my head. “You think that fucking low of me. You really think that’s why I’m helping your friend and keeping you safe?”