“I think she’s just disappointed. I can relate to that. It’s a big deal.”

“So you feel bad

for her?”


“You’re a nicer person than me. I think this is on her. Or her fiancé. I wouldn’t worry about it. But I think you’re very sweet to care.”

Leighton took a deep breath. “I still feel bad, but thank you. I’ll see you tomorrow?”

She wished she could see him that night but honestly, she had so much to do and he worked until eleven. She wasn’t sure she could keep her eyes open until then, let alone fool around. It pained her to say it but she needed sleep more than an orgasm.

“Tomorrow? Are you serious? I can’t see you tonight?”

He sounded so salty about it she was touched. “You work late and I am going to be so tired. I can’t face the parents tomorrow without a good night’s sleep.”

“I understand, baby. But I want to sleep next to you.”

He sounded a little pouty and Leighton thought it was adorable. So much for being the self-proclaimed loner. “You’ll be okay, I’m sure.”

“Leave me a key at the front desk and I’ll just slip in and get in bed with you. I promise I won’t wake you up.”

Damn him for being adorable on top of being sexy and ridiculously masculine. It was a trio of traits she could not resist. She crumpled like a tissue. “If that’s what you want.”

“I want.”

There it was again. The distinct sensation in her chest of her catching feelings. “If I wake up with you trying to get in my pants I’m going to be upset with you.”

Axl laughed softly. “That is the biggest lie I’ve ever heard.”

Damn it. He was right.


Axl knew he was being ridiculous. It was stupid as fuck to be going over to Leighton’s hotel room just so he could rest his hand on her hip while they both slept. Never had he been the guy who needed to share a bed with someone.

In fact, just the opposite.

But there was something about the fact that there was an expiration date on their relationship that made him want to steal every moment he could with her. With any other woman he had dated this would have never occurred to him. His unwillingness to see one girlfriend after his work shifts had actually resulted in their breaking up. She felt unimportant. He felt annoyed.

The desk clerk didn’t seem at all alarmed that he was at the desk asking for a key to Leighton’s room. He would have been concerned by that except the woman said, “I can’t wait to watch your wedding on TV, officer.” She was in her early twenties and she handed him the key with a bright smile.

That took him aback. Sometimes he forgot this whole thing was going to be watched by random people in their living rooms across the country. “Thank you. Hopefully I won’t make an ass out of myself.”

She laughed riotously, like he was downright hilarious.

“Thanks for the key. I don’t want to wake Leighton up.”

She laughed again and nodded enthusiastically.

Never having been considered a funny guy, he wasn’t sure how to react to her laughter other than to nod back and shake the key card in the air. “Goodnight.”

Her response was yet again a peel of laughter. Axl had to get the hell out of there. He found it was the same kind of reaction doing the strip event had created. Not his style, that was for sure. He didn’t crave attention. Not that way.

Gingerly he opened the door to Leighton’s room and stepped inside. It was not easy to divest himself of a gun, cuffs, car keys, his wallet, and entire uniform quietly but he thought he did a reasonable enough job. He could hear Leighton’s steady breathing in the dark room. She had the blackout drapes tightly drawn and he couldn’t see a damn thing. In his underwear he moved slowly, trying to remember exactly where the furniture was placed in the room.

He bumped the edge of the bed, his eyes adjusting a little. He could see Leighton’s blonde hair spread across the pillow, lying on her side. She was a bed hog. It was a king-size bed and she was dead center. Easing the bedspread back, he slid in beside her. He couldn’t resist the urge to spoon her. Leighton had the best ass. Awesome tits too. She smelled like shampoo and has he settled in beside her, the soft feel of her warm ass cheeks beneath her soft cotton nightgown, he couldn’t help it. He started to get a hard-on.