It left her wondering what the hell local brides did. Order online? Probably. Which could work except that left a woman no ability to try on a multitude of gowns and make her choice.

Super frustrating.

Leighton blew her hair out of her eyes. “June, thanks for your help but I’m not seeing anything here that works for me.”

The woman turned and shot her a look like she was the biggest bitch on the planet. “You’re not even going to try anything on?”

“No, thank you.”

“I just spent thirty minutes pulling gowns,” June said, her tone accusatory.

Leighton was taken aback. “Well, sorry, but I don’t like any of these.”

“Not rich enough for you, huh? No skin off my back, honey.”

“Uh, I should think not.” Stunned, Leighton grabbed her purse and left the store. She took a deep breath and felt a moment of pity for all the hopeful brides to step into this shop past, present, and future, and then started toward her rental car.

“Call Mom,” she told her phone.

“Hi, baby! How’s it going? What can Mommy do to help?”

Leighton realized she was about to make all her mother’s dreams come true. “Mom, I need you to find me a dress today and overnight it so I can get fitted tomorrow. I can’t find anything here.”

“Well, good Lord, of course not. You’re practically in the wilderness.”

“Now that is an exaggeration. But there’s just one bridal salon in town and the lady is a cranky-pants with a dated selection. So…” She took a deep breath. “I’m giving you free rein. Pick out whatever you want.” She was crunched for time, but also, curious what her mother would come up with.

“Whatever I want?” Her mother sounded like a kid in the candy store with a hundred dollar bill in hand.

“Whatever you want.” Leighton propped her phone on her shoulder so she could root around in her handbag for sunglasses. It was chilly for summer but it was sunny. She couldn’t see a darn thing. “Just one caveat, Mom.”

“Poop. What?”

That made her laugh. “No, you’ll like this. Axl requested cleavage so make sure the neckline isn’t too demure.”

“Sexy is my specialty.”

Truer words were never spoken.

“But I’m stunned you’re okay with that, Lele.” Her mother did sound thoroughly shocked. “Maybe there is some of me in you after all.”

That made her roll her eyes as she found her sunglasses and tried to yank them out of the handbag. “Doubtful. But I have to admit, I want to wow him. I want him to drool.” She did. Real or not, she wanted that man’s jaw to drop when he saw her on Saturday. “He seems to think I’m sexy, so I want to give him a great view.”

“Drooling. Check. Let Mommy handle everything. He’ll be eating out of your hand.”

She’d rather he just eat her, but she kept her dirty thoughts to herself. “I totally trust you. Let me know what’s going on. It’s still mid-morning there so hopefully you can find something soon. I really want a dress here by tomorrow.”

“I’m sure that won’t be a problem.”

It wouldn’t. Money moved mountains and both of her parents were expert at using that to their advantage. Normally it made Leighton uncomfortable but right now she didn’t have much choice. “Thanks, Mom. Call me later, but I’ll see you tomorrow.”


“Yay” Leighton parroted because it would make her mother happy to sound over-the-moon excited. She was tugging out her sunglasses and attempting to end the call simultaneously when she dropped her phone.

It landed on the sidewalk but thankfully she didn’t shatter the screen. When she rose again, she stuck her glasses on her face and her phone in her purse. She realized Winnie Schwartz was standing in the doorway to her groomer’s shop, smoking a cigarette.

“Hi, Winnie,” she said, waving.