Axl gripped her head, tangling his hands in her hair. Her breasts felt heavy, her inner thighs aching. She was teasing him as much as she was herself, drawing out the anticipation.

She sucked him endlessly, lost in the rhythm, until he suddenly jerked her back off of his cock. “That’s enough,” he said, nostrils flaring.

“That was fun,” she told him, wiping the moisture off her swollen lips.

“That was fucking hot.” He shifted a little, trying to pull her up the bed. “Get on my cock, Leighton. I need to feel your pussy.”

She was good at following directions.

Besides, she wanted him like she’d never wanted anything in her life.

Leighton shifted herself into position and then teased his cock over her slickness before easing onto him. She closed her eyes, overwhelmed by how amazing it felt to have him stretching her aching passage. “That is so…fantastic,” she breathed.

“I agree one thousand percent.” Axl gripped her hips and thrust up into her.

She sucked in a breath. She had wanted to move on him, though, so she flattened her palms on his chest. “Lie still.”

He gave her a smirk. “Sorry.” Axl put his hands behind his head. “I’ll go hands free so I’m not tempted to touch you.”

“I didn’t say you can’t touch me.”

“I don’t trust myself.”

Leighton rolled her hips, enjoying the sensation of him fully embedded inside her. Her usual dates were well, less muscular, and being on top wasn’t something she wanted to do often. Her last boyfriend had felt fragile beneath her and she had felt self-conscious, which of course destroyed any sort of sexy vibes.

But Axl was a whole different story.

There was nothing fragile about him. Not one single thing.

So she dug her nails into his chest and took what she wanted. She raised her hips and slid herself down onto him over and over, driving faster each time. Leaning slightly forward the way she was, she was teasing her clit against his flesh and between that and his thick cock stroking inside her, she exploded with a loud cry, head snapping back.

It was everything she had expected, craved, and more.

She closed her eyes and enjoyed the shivers of ecstasy spreading out from her core.

When she finally felt like she could breathe again, she opened her eyes. Axl was watching her with dark, intense eyes.

“Sit up,” he commanded. “I want to see your body.”

Even though she felt boneless, she mustered the energy to push herself up and off of him and settle back into a seated position on his cock. As he took over the rhythm, hands gripping her hips, Leighton raked her hair back off of her face, a strand stuck to her lip.

Axl moaned. She realized lifting her arms had given him an excellent view of her chest, which he clearly was fascinated by. She had to admit, she liked being ogled by him. It was deeply primal as was her response to it. It both turned her on and gave her even more confidence in her ability to drive him crazy. She bit her lip and lowered her hands to cup her breasts, squeezing them a little.

“That’s not fair,” he said, practically growling.

“What do you mean?”

“I want to last a long time and that is not helping.”

Leighton rubbed her nipple.

“Fuck,” was Axl’s reaction, as he held her still with an iron grip, and exploded deep inside her.

Unexpectedly, it tripped off an orgasm in her. She didn’t usually come twice in short order, so she cried out too, the pleasure sweeping away all thoughts.

Time and space seemed to stop and Leighton was stunned by how complete sex with Axl was.

Neither of them spoke. She slid off of him, spent, confused.