“No?” He straightened up. “Damn it. I was really enjoying that.”

“You were not.”

“Nope. Not at all. I don’t need to show off.”

Her eyes darkened. “No. You really don’t. You have a presence without showing off.”

He wasn’t comfortable with her compliments. He didn’t need his ego stroked. He undid the snap on his jeans. “I’m going to show you something.”

She sank her teeth into her bottom lip, delicately. He wasn’t sure Leighton knew how absolutely sexy she was. She wasn’t body conscious or insecure, which he appreciated. But at the same time she didn’t seem to understand the power she held. Axl unzipped and shoved his jeans down, kicking them off with zero finesse.

“I need tear-away pants,” he joked.

“I don’t think I could take that seriously at all.” Leighton gave him a sweet smile. “I like you the way you are.”

That shouldn’t have any impact on him at all. And yet, it did. He felt something he couldn’t quite pinpoint, which made him uncomfortable. “I like you too. Especially naked.” In his boxer briefs, Axl closed the space between them and reached out to run a finger along the swell of Leighton’s breasts.

Then he bent over sucked that same swell of soft, warm flesh. She always smelled fantastic. Like flowers and sugar and something that was uniquely Leighton. Reaching around her back, he undid the clasp on her bra. Her tits burst forth, barely contained by the lace cups. He could spend all day touching her chest and never get tired of it. As he drew the straps of her bra down her arms, goosebumps rose of her skin. “Cold?” he murmured.

She shook her head. “The opposite.”

“Hot? I would totally agree with that.” He tossed her bra on the counter and cupped her breasts, teasing his thumbs over her nipples.

Leighton gave a soft gasp.

He kissed her, wanting that connection with her, wanting to see her eyes drift shut as he pressed his lips to hers. It was a moment he wanted to draw out, to savor, to use to stir up anticipation in both of them. She let go of the counter and wrapped her arms around his neck. She pressed her bare chest against his and rocked her hips ever-so-slightly so that her sex brushed against his cock.

Axl reached below her ass and hauled her right up off the floor.

* * *

Leighton gasped. “What are you doing?” she asked, digging her fingers into his shoulders and trying to find her balance. She was no yogi. She considered it a miracle she could actually ride a bike. Her core was for resting her iPad on, not for holding her entire body weight up.

“You said you wanted to be on top. The bed might be the best place for that.” He bit her ear lobe, drawing it between his lips.

She shivered. “You might have a point. I could walk though, you know.”

“What would be the fun in that?” He took a couple of steps.

It was sexy to be carried. But it was also nerve-wracking. “If I was walking, you could see my ass,” she told him. “I will walk sexy, I promise.” If there were one thing beauty pageants and her mother had pressed upon her, it was that her walk was damn important. She could manage it with a certain amount of grace. Even sexiness.

Axl stopped and set her down. “Show me what you got, kid.”

Relieved not to be carried, she ran her fingers across his chest, enjoying the way her pale pink fingernails looked against his hard muscles. Then she turned with a practiced pivot and started to walk, well aware that her panties formed a perfect little V on her ass. She was no size zero but she had a heart-shaped ass, thank you very much. It might not be suitable for a shift dress but it was designed for panties and sex from behind. Briefly, she rethought her requested position, but then decided against submitting a change request to Axl. She wanted to feel him sinking deep inside her while she held her palms flat onto his ripped abs.

Lost in her thoughts and ensuring that her booty moved enticingly for Axl’s viewing pleasure, she realized she didn’t know where his bedroom was. She paused to glance in the first room past the bathroom and discovered it was his workout room. But the brief hesitation had him impatient. Suddenly she jumped when he gave her ass a light smack.

“Keep moving, Van Buren.”

Never in her life had anyone called her by her last name and it was as odd to her ear as the first time he’d done it. But it was strangely endearing. Axl had told her it was a privilege reserved for friends and in addition to the fact that he’d gone down on her like it was his job, she did think they were growing to be friends.

“Don’t be so desperate,” she told him as she started walking again and found his bedroom.

“Desperate? I refuse to be called desperate. Fuck that. I want you. I’m impatient. Not desperate.”

Axl grabbed her playfully and Leighton screamed, laughing breathlessly as he tossed her onto the bed. She wasn’t used to having a man be able to well, manhandle her. She felt very feminine and small beside him. “Stop being a beast.”

“You want a beast?” Axl lifted his eyebrows up and down and climbed onto the bed over her. “I’ll show you a beast.”