“That’s going to look like fish guts,” Autumn told Axl. “And your mother will freak out.”

“Don’t hate on my groom’s cake.” Axl switched plates, pulling a chocolate sample in front of him. “And I’m a grown-ass man. I am not getting a cake to please my mother.”

Autumn snorted. “I know your mother. That might be a mistake.”

Uh-oh. Leighton’s mouth felt dry. Damn sugar. She sipped the water Autumn had brought her. Axl hadn’t said much about his parents. Not that they had spent a ton of time talking. She swallowed. Nope. Lump was still there. “Oh? How so?” she asked Autumn, striving for casual.

“Oh, Lord, you haven’t met his mother yet, have you? You might want to do that ASAP.” Autumn smiled. “Just a suggestion, I’m sure it will be fine.”

Leighton turned to Axl but he looked unperturbed.

“What flavor is this?” he asked.

“Lemon with blueberry filling.”

He made a face. “That’s a no.”

“Aren’t you even going to try it?”

“Nope. I hate lemons.”

“Then what do you want to try?” she asked him.


“Just plain chocolate?” Leighton was dubious about that.

“Everybody likes chocolate. Not everyone likes lemon.”

She supposed she couldn’t really argue with him on that point. Most people did love chocolate.

“Try this one,” Autumn said, handing him another plate with a slice on it.

Axl put his fork through and came up with an enormous bite. He stuck it in his mouth and gave a thumbs up. “Now that’s what I’m talking about.”

“I need a tier that does not have cocoa in it,” Leighton said. “Otherwise it’s chocolate overload.”

“I can do the top tier in anything you like.”

“Almond would be great. As for the design, I want blush rosettes, can you do that?” Leighton realized it might not be wise to tell Autumn what she actually wanted at her real wedding some day, but then again, she might never have a real wedding. Or if she did, her tastes might change by then. She might as well enjoy her fake reception.

“Sure, that would be gorgeous. Are you okay with that, Axl?”

“I don’t know what any of that means but it’s fine by me. It’s the inside that counts.”

Autumn put her hands to her chest. “Oh, my God, that’s so romantic.”

Leighton didn’t think he meant it to be but she would let this love train roll. It was really kind of amazing how no one seemed to think they were certifiable for getting married two minutes after meeting.

That either meant that people were accepting of insta-love as a result of two decades of reality TV or they didn’t believe it was real.

Which was possible. She didn’t seem like Axl’s type and he had grown up in Beaver Bend. He was a cop. Presumably a lot of people were familiar with his life. She really wasn’t his type. She was buttoned up, he was buttoned down, despite his intensity. He liked casual, she was drawn to the formal.

Even if this were real, which it wasn’t, it wouldn’t work. It didn’t matter that they were very similar, personality wise. He lived in Minnesota and she had a life in LA.

This was just

good TV.