Then he called Liam and explained what was going on. “I just need the address and I don’t want to ask either Sullivan or Sloane.” Sullivan would have an attitude and Sloane would fret about him.

“I should tell you this is a dumb ass idea and not to go.”

“But?” Rick would do it no matter what but he’d prefer not to have Liam pissed at him.

“But I’m not going to do that. Sloane loves that dog and you know I love dogs. Anyone who would do that to an animal is an asshole and I’ve half a mind to go with you.”

Rick grinned. “You are more than welcome.”

“The problem is Tom knows what I look like, obviously. I’m going to have to sit this one out.”

“Good point.”

“I’ll send you a picture of the dog. She’s a beautiful Golden Retriever.”

“Awesome, thanks.”

River came back into the shop as he was ending the call. She had a bag packed. “What’s in there?” he asked.

“Snacks. For us and for the dog.”

“Cool. We need to stop and buy a dog leash.”

Twenty minutes later they were on the road and Rick felt a rush of adrenaline. He wasn’t going to question too closely why he was driving three hours to steal a dog for Sloane. He was going to insist to himself it was because they were friends and first and foremost he couldn’t stand the idea of a dog suffering.

But it was also because he couldn’t stand to see Sloane so upset.

It had skewered him.

He cranked up classic rock on the radio as he drove, despite River wrinkling her nose at it. He had started to take his truck but then realized he might have better luck getting the dog in his Mustang. Nice and low to the street. It might not entirely fit into the neighborhood. He had the impression it was kind of a ritzy house, but rich people had hobbies too. Surely someone with money liked a good classic muscle car.

River was right. She was an excellent cover.

The kid might be a genius but she had the eye-hand coordination of a newborn.

He wasn’t even sure what the hell she was doing wrong, but she could not stay on that bike to save her life. “Lean forward,” he said, as he walked along beside her. They were approaching the house Sloane had lived in with her ex.

“You just told me to lean back!”

“You overcompensated. Find neutral.”

“What does that mean?” She straightened herself on the seat, the handlebar twisted and she would have fallen if she hadn’t put her foot on the ground.

The bike had been a birthday present from him the year before and honestly, biggest waste of sixty bucks ever. River had briefly admired the shiny pink seat and ran her fingers over the glittery handlebars. He had spent a hellish few hours trying to teach her how to ride it before she had declared it stupid and pointless and that was that.

“It means neutral,” he said. “Where your body is naturally at ease.”

“My body is at ease on the couch,” she said, biting her lip in concentration.

Rick laughed. “Don’t be a wimp. It’s for the dog, remember?”

“I know. I’ll stick it out, but don’t you think I should be wearing a helmet?”

She might have a point but he wasn’t about to admit that. “How are you ever

going to be going fast enough that you’ll need a helmet? Relax.”

Rick discreetly checked out the neighborhood. It was a quiet street. Given it was a Thursday at three in the afternoon he had to assume most of the residents were at work. But there were no kids playing outside at all. Which meant no witnesses. Yet at the same time he and River did stand out like a sore thumb. If anyone asked he would have to give a vague story about living on the next block.