That made me laugh. “I don’t have to report to you every time I kiss a guy. I’m sure you’ve kissed men and didn’t tell me.”

“No. Never.”

She was probably telling the truth. Savannah liked to share.

They were really going to be shocked at what I said next. I couldn’t lie to my friends. Or lie by omission. Besides, Michael had seen us and he was going to tell Felicia, presumably, because they were married and wouldn’t keep secrets from each other. She would either ask me about it or mention to my other friends.

“Well, I have kissed men and not shared. Sorry. Besides, it was just some weird response we had to being trapped in the elevator. It didn’t mean anything.” It had been sexy but it didn’t mean anything. That time. “Then it’s possible we might have had sex last week.” Plus earlier that afternoon, but that I could and would keep a secret.

“Then getting him to want you at work should be easy,” Dakota said, waving her hand. “He’s as good as fired.”

“I don’t know how kind it is to get someone fired,” Savannah said.

Uh, had they not heard a single word I’d just said? They seemed to be missing the “had sex last week” part. “Of course he wants me at work. It resulted in us having sex. As in, actual hooking up.”

“You had sex with Sean,” Leah said, picking up her cocktail. “Okay, details, please, since Felicia isn’t here. Was it hot? Tell me it was hot.”

I sipped my drink. “It was very hot. I forgot my phone at work and he brought it to me.”

“Sounds like he really brought it,” Dakota said, giving me an exaggerated wink.

“None of you seem particularly surprised or scandalized,” I said. Frankly, I was disappointed. No one was as shocked that I was having sex with Sean as I was and I was the one who had done it. Twice.

“Why would I be shocked? You set out to flirt all day, every day, with a guy you’re attracted to. My question is, what happens if Sean actually does get fired or quits?”

She had a point. “He’s not going to get fired. If anything, I’m the one who is going to get fired. I feel like this strategy could totally backfire.” It already had. I’d never be able to look at mango or clotted cream the same way. “He won’t quit either. He’s not that type.”

I wasn’t one hundred percent sure what type Sean was, but it didn’t seem like

he’d give up this position without a fight.

“I don’t see how you being hot for each other could get you fired,” Dakota said. “That’s discrimination. It’s not your fault you’re sexy.”

That made me laugh. “I think you’re missing the point.”

“What is the point?”

“Uh, how about the fact that Isla clearly has some kind of thing for Sean?” Leah asked.

I’d rather talk about that never.

“I can’t believe you like him and are still trying to get him fired,” Savannah said. She was pouting, like I was scheming on her, not him. Savannah sounded drunk and she was clearly a beat behind.

“I’m not still trying to get him fired. Besides, I said I had sex with him, not that I like him. That’s putting it too strongly.” Now I sounded the way I had with Michael. The lady doth protest too much.

I took a sip of my drink and glanced around the bar to buy time. I wasn’t sure how to put what I was feeling. It was the usual crowd, most of the customers in the service industry. It was a stripped down atmosphere. Old wood with only an attempt or two to pull off a modern vibe. I liked it that way. It felt grunge, like me. I wasn’t exactly a lady, but the meaning behind the saying still applied.

“Well? We’re waiting,” Dakota demanded. “How do you actually feel about Sean then? Just friends with benefits? A one-time hookup?”

I turned back. “I don’t know how I feel about Sean. I still want his job, but I don’t hate working with him. I can’t date him publicly, because Nico will freak out and our jobs will be at risk. I’m not sure I’d want to truly date him if it wasn’t an issue at work. What I do know for sure? I do absolutely want to have more sex with him. Hot, dirty, intense sex where the world is reduced to nothing but the two of us slamming into each other and dark, breathy moans.”

That’s how I felt about Sean.

Savannah’s mouth had fallen open.

Leah’s eyebrow had shot up.

Dakota was grinning and clapping. “I think this would be called an affair with a lover,” she said. “More than a hookup. Not dating with a future in mind. Just the here and now, enjoying each other.”