That made me feel like Savannah had told at least Isla about us. “I’ve never been more serious about anything,” I said honestly. “I’m not some fuck boy.”

Unfortunately, Steve walked into the room right as I said that.

“Good,” Isla said. “I’ll call you back.”

“Bye.” I looked at Steve. “What?”

“I’m taking off. I wanted to say goodbye. So you’re a fuck boy? Was that your girl dumping you?”

“Suck my dick.”

“Sounds like more than she’s doing.”

I bit my tongue. He did not want to know where his sister’s mouth had been. “Where are you going?”

“I’m hanging out with Kelsey. College football corn hole tournament thing.”

Interesting. “You like this girl?”

He shrugged. “She’s fun. Don’t make more out of it than it is.”

I held my hands up. “Calm down. Just curious.”

Steve gave me a look as we walked through to the front doorway. “Why haven’t you mentioned a girl to me?”

“Because you’re not going to like it.” I wasn’t going to bullshit my best friend.

He swore. “Oh my God, it’s my sister, isn’t it?”

I didn’t confirm or deny. I just kept my mouth shut.

“What the fuck is wrong with you? She’s all vulnerable and shit and there you are with your dick?” He looked seriously pissed. “She’s exhausted. She’s lonely. She hasn’t been dating. It’s the worst time ever for you to be hooking up with her. Aside from the fact that the very thought makes me want to throw up, it pisses me off you had some fucking agenda. You didn’t go to help her, you went to bone her.” He pointed a finger at me. “That makes you a selfish prick.”

I was shocked by his reaction. “Steve, it’s not that. I love Savannah. I’ve always cared about her. I didn’t have some agenda. It just happened.” Though that wasn’t entirely true, was it? I’d had a plan all along. Aim for a relationship, settle for sex. That had been my plan and he was right—it had been selfish.

“Whatever, Maddox.” He shook his head. “This isn’t high school. You can’t just score the fantasy girl with no thought to the consequences.”

I got angry and defensive. “I want to be with her. I know that. If those are the consequences, I’m fucking thrilled with them.”

“I don’t want to talk about this right now. I’m too pissed. I want to talk to my sister and hear her take on what is happening.” He stared at me, his nostrils flaring. “God, fuck you. Just seriously. Fuck you.”

He yanked the door open and left, slamming it behind him.

I stared at the door, gut churning. That was worse than I had expected.

“He found out, huh?” Mike asked, wandering down the hallway barefoot, sipping a beer. “Don’t worry, he’ll come around.”

“I think I messed up,” I said. “I shouldn’t have let him find out until after Savannah said it was cool. And I think he’s right—I’ve been selfish. I was looking at my relationship with Savannah from my point of view. Not hers. I guess I’ve been thinking I’m a decent catch and hell, maybe I’m not. Maybe I don’t have what she needs.”

His eyebrows shot up. It was funny. People always thought Mike was my biological father. It was the dark hair, even though his was turning gray now, and the tattoos. We dressed similarly too. He felt like a father to me and I trusted his opinion and advice.

“You are a decent catch. I would argue a great catch. You’re honest, loyal, a hard worker, financially stable. You’re not ugly and unless you have a secret pencil dick, what is there to complain about?”

Despite my turmoil, that made me laugh. “No pencil dick. I don’t know. Maybe she wants something different. Plus it’s just Steve said I had an agenda and I guess I did and now that doesn’t feel fair to Savannah.”

“Son, everyone has an agenda when they’re interacting with the opposite sex. Or maybe a goal is a better way to put it. Whether it’s an ego boost, or sex, or a relationship. Everyone has a want, a desire, a plan.”

I couldn’t really argue with that. “True. But I sort of talked about the plan to be with her on the show.”