The problem was I didn’t think I could lie to my mother. I could evade, be vague, but I didn’t think I could flat-out lie.

“I can’t talk about it yet because it just happened,” I said. “I don’t want to get ahead of myself. But yes, I am in love.”

She studied me. “Is it a girl at work?”

I didn’t react.

“Someone you met online?”

I just stared at her.

“Is it Savannah?”

I didn’t react at all.

Or so I thought.

But her eyes widened. “Holy shit, it’s Savannah.” She darted her gaze around the room full of people and lowered her voice to a conspiratorial whisper. “Are you sleeping with her?”

“Mom…” I rubbed my jaw.

“Oh my God, you are. You’re nailing Savannah, holy shit. I knew a guy and a girl couldn’t live together without getting naked. Didn’t I tell you that?”

“You literally never told me that. Ever.” My mother looked downright gleeful.

“Well, it’s true,” she said.

“I don’t want to talk about anything right now. I don’t know if she would want people to know.”

She started smiling. She tried to stop herself, pursing her lips, but she couldn’t restrain her grin. “Look at you, getting the older woman. I’m impressed.”

“Stop. I’m serious.” The whole conversation was making me uncomfortable.

“You’re dating an older woman?” Mike asked as he came over to snag a jalapeño popper off the table. “Way to go, kid.”

“We’re not supposed to know,” my mother said. “So don’t tease him.”

I rolled my eyes.

“It’s Savannah Prescott,” she blurted out.

“Mom!” I gave her an exasperated look.

“What? I don’t keep secrets from my husband.”

“That is the biggest load of bullshit I’ve ever heard,” Mike said. “But nice attempt at a cover-up.” He eyed me. “Is it true?”

“Yes, it’s true. But I don’t have her permission to be telling all of Stroudsburg, so everyone just keep it on the DL. It’s not a secret, exactly, just not something we all need to be talking about or spreading around. Steve doesn’t even know and he’s in the next freaking room.” My best friend had come over to say happy birthday to my mother and hang out with me for a couple hours.

“Lock her in, kid. Otherwise your mother can’t be trusted.”

She smacked his arm. “Way to have my back, asshole.”

Mike kissed her cheek and smacked her butt loudly. “I have your back.”

“Gross,” was Bianca’s opinion as she appeared out of nowhere. “I probably need therapy. You guys are disgusting.”

“I agree,” I told her. “It’s a miracle we’re not all fucked up.”