Then I looked at my son.

I was either making the best decision or the worst mistake of my life.

In a way, it felt like both.

Chapter 14

Maddox had left on the bus for Stroudsburg and I was freaking out. I called Isla. “Are you hungover?” I asked as a greeting.

“What? No. I didn’t actually drink that much last night. Why?”

“I don’t want you crankier than you normally are when I tell you something.”

She sighed. “Please don’t tell me you’re pregnant.”

“What?” The thought hadn’t actually occurred to me. We’d been cautious but it wasn’t impossible. Great. Now I had a whole new fear. “No. I’m not pregnant. Not that I know of.” I was sitting on the couch feeding Sully. “Maddox told me he loves me and I said it back.”

“Oh, Jesus. Well, okay, so… now what?”

“I don’t know, that’s the problem. But I do know I can’t go out on a date with the guy you picked out for me.”

“That’s good to hear because I never actually did that.”

That caught me off guard. “What? Why not? I thought you said you know some guy from work.”

“To be honest, I thought you would wind up in a relationship with the very first date. That’s how you’re built.”

“I don’t even know what to say to that.”

“Because it’s true.”

“I don’t know what’s true anymore.” I propped my phone on my shoulder and switched Sully from one breast to the other. Motherhood had taught me to be a great multitasker. Which proved to be even more necessary when my door buzzed. “Hang on, someone is buzzing my door. It’s probably meant for one of my neighbors.”

We had a camera feature and an app that allowed us to see who was at the door and to unlock it for them if they were legit. When I saw who was at the door, I dropped the phone. I scrambled to pick it back up and stared at the screen. Yep. It was Adam. Sully’s father.

I put the phone back to my ear. “Isla, I have to go.”

“Why? What’s wrong?”

She could obviously hear the panic in my voice.

“Adam is at my door.”

“Asshole Adam?”

“Yes.” I pulled Sully off my breast, even though he mildly complained. I raised him to my shoulder, feeling sick to my stomach.

“Savannah, don’t answer the door. Have Maddox talk to him. I’m serious. That guy is a loose cannon.”

I hesitated. I wanted to know what the hell he wanted but she was right. “Maddox isn’t here.”

“Then don’t answer the door. He shouldn’t just show up on your doorstep. That’s not cool.”

I took a deep breath. She was right. The buzzer went off again. “Let me call you back. I promise I won’t let him in.”

“Savannah, don’t—”

I ended the call and used the intercom feature on the app. “What are you doing here, Adam?”