ough to land roles until I had cranky directors tell me no over and over.”

“You clearly landed where you’re supposed to but don’t ever lose that dreamer quality, Savannah. It’s what makes you you and it’s beautiful.”

I was unexpectedly touched. “Thank you.”

Maddox lifted up a canape and popped it into his mouth. “Damn, that’s good.” He grabbed another one and held it to my lips.

Being fed by him seemed incredibly intimate but I didn’t back away. I just parted my lips and accepted the bite. I was chewing but I barely tasted the food. In the midst of the glamourous room filled with insane décor and people dressed to the nines, all I could see was Maddox.

Until the lights turned down two seconds later and a carnival caller came over the loud speaker. I turned, dying to see what was going to happen.

“What the hell?” Maddox asked. “Is Leah coming down from the ceiling on a giant swing?”

She was.

“That is amazing,” I said. “She’s straight-up Moulin Rouge.”

The announcer started singing. Maddox’s eyebrows shot up. “This is crazy.”

It was. Especially since a car pulled up and Grant got out of it. A car. In the ballroom. He stood and waited for her swing to hit the ground, then he took her hand, they got back into the car, and drove it across the length of the ballroom, waving to all the guests.

They parked at the edge of the dance floor and got out.

“What now?” Maddox murmured. “I mean, seriously, where do you go from here?”

“Space?” I suggested. “I love it. I love everything about this.”

What they actually did was end up surrounded by all the aerial gymnasts descending down onto the dance floor, swept up onto a platform that had two chairs shaped like circus elephants. “They’re sitting on fake elephants,” I said. “I mean… wow.”

“When you told me Grant was a billionaire I just pictured something more reserved. Like a state dinner or something.”

“I wasn’t picturing that. I was thinking trendy and fun. But Leah did tell me they had a joke that they wanted a circus wedding. I didn’t think she meant it literally but I guess I was wrong.”

“Maybe the wedding will be more traditional.”

“After seeing this, who knows?” I said.

We all clapped and cheered as Grant and Leah were introduced as the future Mr. and Mrs.

“I’m so happy for them,” I said. “They’re so adorable.”

It made me happy sigh to see them smiling at each other.

Long live love.

The night was a blast. I watched Savannah dancing with her friends and grinned. She was right. She wasn’t a very coordinated dancer. She always seemed one split second off the beat. Or maybe it was that next to Dakota no one was going to look like a star. Dakota had every guy in the room vying for her attention on the dance floor.

Every guy except for me.

I only had eyes for Savannah.

As I stood on the edge of the dance floor sipping a bourbon, I watched her laughing, head tipping back. She was definitely the woman who did not need alcohol to have a great time. She was in awe of everything, enthusiastic, and quick to relish other people’s happiness.

I was totally fucking in love with her.

I mean, we knew that, right? I just hadn’t been able to acknowledge the full truth of it.

One hundred percent, all in, give-me-forever in love with her. That’s what I was.