“Semantics. It was still inappropriate.” I checked to made sure Sully was content on his blanket on the floor and I paused the movie because we were missing a pivotal part.

“Fine. I’ll give you that. Though I fault the school for hiring an eighteen-year-old. Bad move. Okay, so remember the time Steven was getting the latest Mario Kart game for Christmas and you told him and your mom didn’t talk to you for two days?”

“That wasn’t an intentional slip. We got a phone call on the house phone and I answered it and it was Luigi telling me my game would be ready for pickup on release day, so I turned and told everyone that. I didn’t know it was a secret. I thought it was cool Luigi called us.”

Maddox laughed. “That’s so fifteen years ago, isn’t it? Recordings from Luigi on the house phone.”

“Yes, now be quiet and watch the movie.”

“That you ruined,” he said.

I stuck my tongue out at him.

My phone was on the cushion between us and it buzzed.

“The old guy is texting you,” Maddox said.

It was Michael. “Stop it. He’s not old. He’s age appropriate.”

“For my mom.”

He had a point. “Don’t hate. He wants to have children. I don’t think it’s strange he’d want to date younger.”

“He can adopt a baby.” Maddox picked up the remote. “So you’re going out with him again? He’s a two-timer?”

“I haven’t decided yet.”

“He’s not getting any younger,” he joked.

I laughed. “Shut up. That is ageism and totally unnecessary. Forty is the new thirty. Besides, you sat there in the coffee shop and gave him the thumbs-up. What’s the issue now?”

“I don’t have an issue. Just teasing you. Who’s next up? Unless you’re going out with Michael again.”

“I don’t know. Isla is dragging her feet. I don’t think she’s taking this seriously.” I glanced at Michael’s text. He was clearly trying to get a response. I was flattered he wanted to see me again. “I don’t think I should see Michael again. I’m not feeling it and he seems very nice, and eager. I don’t want to lead him on.”

“Then Isla better get on it with number four. I have my guy all picked out already.”

Maddox had a guy picked out for me? I stared at him. “Who?”

“I’m not telling you. Unlike you, I can keep a secret.”

I basically hated that answer. “Why does it have to be a secret?” I nudged his leg with my knee. “Come on, tell me.”

“Because he’s fifth. He only comes into play if three and four don’t work out. No, I’m not telling you.”

“Who wanted that rule?” Not me.

“You can’t be dating someone and looking ahead, wondering if the next guy is better. That’s not cool.”

Okay, maybe he had a point. I could see that. “Fine. Does he work with you?” I asked, curious.

Maddox gave me a look. “I work with two guys. Why would I answer that question? Then you would know it was one or the other. I’m not an amateur, you know.”

I made a sound of exasperation. I had thought this whole experiment was going to be so amazing and at the end I would find Prince Charming. So far, not the case. But I could honestly say only Yates Caldwell had been a frog. Or more like a shark. At least it hadn’t been all horrible. But no Mr. Right either.

Sully was starting to fuss. He was working toward a good cry and I was comfortable on the couch. I felt lazy and very into my ice cream. “Can you get the baby?” I gave Maddox a pleading smile. “Please. Please. Please. Please. Please.”

He laughed. “Oh my God. Stop. I’ll get him. You’re lucky you’re pretty because you’re also super annoying.”