“No way, man. You’re the guy to trust.”

“See?” I gave Jana a smug look. “I’m practical and trustworthy. Some people appreciate that.”

“Not people with vaginas.”

There was no winning. “I would have done everything on that list on my own, by the way. Except for the ice skating. But everything else I would have done.”


Chapter 10

I stared across the table at Michael, Felicia’s choice for me. I was trying to focus. Apparently, Felicia had been talking to him quite a bit as me and I’d had to read through their dozens of messages to each other. I thought she might have taken the getting-to-know-him thing way too far. A few messages then a meet-up would have made more sense because now she had all this information about him and I was playing catch-up.

It made it feel more forced than it might have otherwise.

“You’re even more beautiful in person than your picture,” he said, smiling.

It was just as pleasant a smile as it had been whe

n Felicia had showed me his profile. “Thank you,” I said, crossing and uncrossing my legs. “You’re a doctor, right? What specialty?”

He gave me a puzzled look. “Um, orthopedics. Sorry, I thought we talked about this. You mentioned your grandmother’s hip replacement.”

What the hell, Felicia? My cheeks went hot. “Right, of course. Duh. Mom brain.” I pointed to my head, feeling like an idiot.

“Oh, right, sure. I understand. Besides, I imagine you talk to a lot of guys, not just me.”

He didn’t say it in a way that was an accusation but it still made me uncomfortable. “I wouldn’t say that.” I wouldn’t. I wasn’t talking to any guys except for Maddox.

“Dating has changed so much in the last ten years. It’s hard to get to know someone when everyone is just swiping like crazy.” Michael lifted his bourbon and gestured to me. “That’s why I appreciate how much you’ve been willing to chat with me before meeting.”

Death to Felicia. I was going to murder her. I felt like a fraud. I was Jennifer Lopez in Maid in Manhattan bullshitting her way through a gala. Without a beautiful borrowed gown.

“It must be hard for you to date with your schedule. I’m sure you’re a very busy man.”

We were in a very nice restaurant—in Brooklyn, because he was considerate—with a hushed, intimate atmosphere and I really wanted to focus on Michael. I wanted to like him. Because he seemed like an actual nice guy.

But all I could think about was Maddox burying his tongue inside me.

It made for a very distracted dinner date.

“Ten years ago that was true. But now I have more flexibility at work because of the heights I’ve reached in the hierarchy. Ironic, because now I have more time and no special person in my life.” He smiled. “Hence, the torture of dating apps.”

I laughed. “Everyone’s doing it. It can’t be that awful or we’d all stop collectively.” I eyed the waitress passing me with a glass of red wine. “I haven’t had a glass of wine in fifteen months. Is it terrible that I just really, really want one?”

“I’m sure you could have a sip or two. Just pump your milk for the next twelve hours.” He gave me a wink. “I’m a doctor. I know what I’m talking about.”

It should be reassuring. He was comfortable with my mom status. With breast milk. Not all men would be. But I was feeling like Michael would be a lovely friend and companion, but not a boyfriend. Which was super premature. I’d been with him for all of twenty minutes.

“My mom guilt is too strong. But that first glass after weaning my son is going to be a beautiful moment.”

He sipped his bourbon. “By the way, does our age difference bother you in any way?”

Did it? I honestly wasn’t sure. It was a little bit like being on a date with one of my dad’s golfing buddies. Maybe that had more to do with his personality than his age, though. He was very polite, and maybe I wanted something more fluid, natural.

Like me and Maddox.

I mentally kicked myself and said, “No, of course not.”