“I can’t…” she said. “I need to move. It’s too much. It’s too intense, I can’t.”

Then she was exactly where I wanted her to be. Using both tongue and finger to drive her insane for another second, I pulled back entirely. She let out a cry of agony.

“What the hell are you doing?”

I looked up at her, wiping my bottom lip. “You told me it was too much. You said you needed to move.”

Savannah’s cheeks were bright red from arousal, her eyes glassy. Her mouth dropped. “No, no, that’s not what I want.” She lifted her hips, bumping my arm with her thigh. “I just meant I wanted to move. Please. Please, don’t stop.”

Nothing had ever sounded hotter than that.

I buried my mouth into her pussy and took her with my tongue until she burst into an orgasm. She gave a momentary cry, before she slapped her hand over her mouth to stifle it. Her body jerked, and moisture met my touch. Her legs were shaking.

Everything about it was amazing.

When she finally stopped shuddering, I shifted her legs as far apart as I could on the couch.

She looked down at me. “You knew exactly what I meant, didn’t you? You’re a very bad man.”

“That I am,” I said, and I pushed inside her wet heat. “Fuck, Savannah…” I closed my eyes briefly, wanting to savor the moment. My cock was throbbing inside her and she had given a deep, low moan.

“Yes, Mad. Fuck me.”

I wanted to do nothing more than that. “My pleasure.” I moved inside her, thrusting hard, finding a fast, pounding rhythm.

Savannah had wrapped her ankles around my legs and dug her nails into my back. The harder she pressed into my flesh, the more it turned me on. She was enjoying me inside her. Her eyes were closed, lips parted, a little gasp of pleasure slipping out with each hard thrust.

She was tight and very wet. She was pure perfection, and when she swore under her breath and arched her back, I watched her orgasm with awe. Her cheeks and neck had flushed pink from arousal and her eyes were glassy. That gorgeous red hair was spread across the couch cushion and I brushed it off of her forehead, wanting to feel the silken strands.

I was torn between the agony of wanting to explode inside her and the raw determination to enjoy it as long as I could. I’d been waiting damn near ten years for this and I didn’t want it to end. Ever.

Slowing my movements, I fell into taking her in a more tender, deeper penetration. I kissed her, briefly, wanting a total connection.

When I pulled back, I realized she was on the edge again. Reaching between us, I teased at her clit with my finger and she exploded quickly, giving out a sharp cry. She didn’t even seem to realize she’d made a sound, and that made it even hotter.

Seeing how fully she was into the moment, how good she clearly felt, I couldn’t stop my own explosion. I came with gritted teeth and her name on my lips in a low growl.

When I finally stopped moving, she was looking up at me in shock. She gave a little laugh. “What just happened?”

“Sexual perfection, that’s what.” I eased out of her and fell on my side next to her, sliding my hand over her hip.

She sighed in contentment. “I really needed that.”

Me, too. “I’m always here to give you what you need.”

I meant that.

She gave me an odd look though. “You’re going to fall off the couch. I should get up.”

“I’m fine.” I was hanging halfway off, but I didn’t care. Savannah was mostly naked and next to me. I had zero complaints.

“I should go to bed anyway.” She struggled to sit up, pushing my hand off of her hip.

She was retreating. Her gaze was darting all around and she was grabbing at her clothes. The minute I’d stopped touching her, she’d seemed to panic.

It didn’t thrill me, but I would let her go. I didn’t

want to make her uncomfortable and I didn’t want her to have any regrets. I would prefer an invitation to her bed so that I could fall asleep with my body touching hers, but I knew she wasn’t going to suggest that.