“It could be fun,” he said, tilting his head, giving me a grin that made me think he knew he had exactly zero shot of it working. “I believe in oral sex for all parties involved.”

As it should be. I thought Jackson was kind of funny. Under different circumstances, if I were different, maybe. But nope. The club was loud, and it made conversation challenging. Since we didn’t need to talk to get to know each other and I was not going to have sex with Jackson, I figured there was no point in sticking around.

“I applaud equal opportunity oral. Seriously. Every man should be you. But I still need to say no.” I stood up. “So, I’m going to just go ahead and head home now and we can laugh about this tomorrow. I don’t want to waste any more of your time.” Mostly mine. I didn’t want to waste mine. “I’m sure some woman will be more than happy to let you into her vagina. The night is still young.”

“That it is. Be safe going home.”

I gave Jackson a wave and left the club. Outside, I gave a sigh. After ordering a car, I texted Dakota.

You told Jackson I want D in the V?!?!

Well, don’t you?

Yes, but that’s not ALL I want.

So you had fun?

That actually made me laugh. Typical Dakota.

No. I’ll call you tomorrow.

Jackson hadn’t been a prick like Yates, but all of this could have been avoided by Dakota paying just a slight bit more attention. I shook my head, both frustrated and amused.

Whatever. At least I was reasonably close to my apartment.

As I got in the car that pulled up for me, I tried to imagine having D in my V.

I sighed again.

Sex felt like ancient history.

My body was dusty and mummified. Just a milk production plant, otherwise neglected.

Now I had to go home and share space with a muscular man who hated shirts and not touch him.

So not fair.

I was watching a comedy stand up show on my phone, lying on the couch, when I hea

rd the door open. What the hell? It was yet another speed date. Savannah hadn’t been gone more than forty-five minutes.

Sitting up, I said, “Hey, you okay?”

She had eased the door shut, leaned against it, then barely gave me a wave before going straight to the kitchen. She didn’t answer my question, so I stood up and followed her. Sully had gone down before she’d left so I didn’t want to be shouting across the apartment for fear he’d wake up.

Her head was in the freezer. She pulled it back out, a pint of ice cream in her hand. She looked frustrated. Yanking the lid off, she slid her tongue across the cold surface of the ice cream.

Seeing her immediate satisfaction at the taste, her pink tongue inspiring dirty thoughts, I felt my cock harden. I was a total asshole, but man, I had to admit I was happy that her date must have been a bust.

“Do you want a spoon?” I asked, opening the drawer and retrieving one. I handed it to her.

“Thank you.” She jammed it into the ice cream and scooped up a massive amount of the ice cream. “This guy thought this was a casual hookup. He wanted to skip conversation and get straight to sex. He told me he could give me as much dick as I want, but nothing else.”

“What the fuck?” And yet another motherfucker I wanted to punch. I also was relieved she hadn’t taken him up on his offer. To think that right now she could be underneath another guy was not cool.

“To be fair,” she said, mouth full of ice cream. “Dakota basically told him I’m horny and need to get some, so I don’t think he was working off the right parameters.”

“You’re not horny?” I asked.