I’d been at Snap, a lifestyle and fashion site and video channel, for almost three years. “I have standard features that are expected to be turned in on certain days of the month, but there are also articles or topics that are assigned to me. I used to go into the office a couple of days a week, because I loved the energy and vibe of being with my co-workers, but now with Sully it’s perfect to be able to work at home.”

“So how can I help you, make life easier while I’m here? You’re doing me a huge favor letting me invade your space and crash on your couch. What do you need from me?”

More than I’d initially thought. Sex immediately came to mind and I was shocked and annoyed with myself. “You’re doing me a favor too, you know. It’s mutually beneficial.”

Maddox took a sip of water. “Call it what you want but use me, Savannah. Seriously. That’s what I’m here for.”

Use him. Oh, I’d like to use him all right. I swallowed, hard. My cheeks felt hot. But I was determined to read nothing into that. I didn’t think he’d meant it as an innuendo. His face looked too casual.

“I’ll show you around the apartment and go over with Sully’s routine with you. Mostly I just need backup after work and maybe a night or two a week for the chance to escape the apartment by myself.”

He nodded. “I can handle that.”

I bit my lip sheepishly. “Any chance you can watch Sully tonight?” I asked. “My girlfriends are all meeting up for a drink. It wouldn’t be long, I swear.”

“Of course.”

Maddox didn’t look offended or annoyed. He looked very neutral.

But I instantly felt guilty. “But you just got here and I feel like I’m already taking advantage of you.”

He shook his head. “No, you’re not. That’s what I’m here for, to watch Sully. Go and have fun. We’ll be fine, I promise. A little guy time, hanging out, watching Thursday night football. Are you going into the city or staying in Brooklyn?”

“Brooklyn. My friend Leah complained but I told her I couldn’t go out unless we stayed close to my apartment. She grumbled, but agreed.”

“Perfect.” Maddox rose from the table and took both my plate and his and headed to the kitchen. “Will Sully take a bottle if he gets hungry?”

“Yes. There’s milk in the fridge.” I stood up and lifted Sully onto my hip. It was really, freaking nice to have help for a change. “Thanks, Maddy.”

He glanced back, expression unreadable. “My pleasure.”

His voice was like fingers stroking over my body. Yep. It was definitely time to have my girlfriends help with Operation Four First Dates.

They were going to love saving me from myself.

“How is the manny?” my friend Leah asked me as she flagged down the waitress. Leah had the glow of a woman recently in love and it was adorable.

She and Grant Caldwell were super new, but she was head over heels for him, and he was even more so for her. The man was giving up a penthouse apartment to live with her. After a whirlwind romance, they were now engaged. Could it get any more romantic? I don’t think so. Hashtag nope.

Wishing desperately I could order a glass of wine, I eyed each of my best friends at the round table with enough of a pause to create the drama I wanted. Current events needed to be dissected and it would be fantastic to have a crisp chardonnay but nursing made that impossible.

Isla’s eyebrows went up. “Someone please tell me that Savannah hasn’t fallen in love with the male nanny in the course of one day because I will lose my shit. I mean, legitimately lose my shit.”

I smacked her arm. “Stop. You make me sound nuts. I have not fallen in love in one day.”

“If the glass shoe fits.”

Isla was a cynic. She called herself a realist but let’s be honest. She was sinking into Bitterville whether she wanted to admit it or not. I totally worried that one day she would wake up miserable and realize she’d wasted a decade hating people in general, men specifically.

“Don’t make this about you,” I told her, sitting up a little straighter. My jeans were gutting into my post-baby gut. I felt lucky that only five pounds were being stubborn and sticking around, but they were all in my midsection. When I spent every day wearing yoga pants it was easier to ignore, but maybe it was time to go shopping for a size up and spare myself this minor torture.

“About me?” Isla snorted. “How is that?”

“About your determination to hate on relationships. I didn’t even get to say one word and you went straight to love. Clearly you’re obsessed with it.” This was a thing Isla and I did. We bantered about what ultimately was both our favorite topic, just from different perspectives.

“Here we go,” Felicia said, her British accent making it sound particularly clipped.

“Tell us about the nanny,” Dakota said, wearing a bodysuit that plunged in the middle to the navel.