When he didn’t say anything in response to that, I said, “I’ll have a lawyer look at the papers. If everything is fine, I’ll sign them as soon as possible. Please don’t show up at my apartment again. And don’t have anyone creeping on me. It’s violating.”

He nodded. “I am sorry that I couldn’t give you the fairy tale you wanted. You wanted the whole fantasy relationship and I wanted reality.”

Somehow, he managed to turn his apology into an insult. He made me sound like some middle school girl.

“I’m not sorry. We clearly don’t belong together. But I got my son, so I have no regrets. My son.”

I thought we had achieved a decent place of understanding until he stood up and slid his arms into his sleeves. “Sign the papers, Savannah, or you will have regrets.”

Ew. Dick alert. I made a sound of exasperation. “Don’t threaten me, Adam.”

He just waved over his shoulder as he left.

“I have the worst taste in men,” I told Isla when I got back to my apartment. I took Sully from her and smothered his chubby little cheeks in kisses. I needed to just hold him and convince myself he was safe from the evil clutches of his soulless father.


?ve established this, many times.”

“I asked him what would happen if I died and he said he was sure my parents would do a great job raising him. He wants nothing to do with Sully. How could someone feel that way?” I hugged Sully so hard he made a sound of protest.

“A selfish asshole,” she said. “Just be glad he showed who he really is sooner than later.”

“Thanks for watching him.”

“No problem. Um, I have to confess I messaged Maddox and told him you were with Adam.”

That startled me. “What? Why?”

“Because I was worried.”

“He’s in Pennsylvania. What’s he supposed to do from there?”

It was unlike Isla and she actually looked sheepish. “In hindsight, I’m not really sure. I just got freaked out.”

I was touched. “You love me, Isla Alexander. Just admit it.”

She rolled her eyes. “Yes, I do, you trusting-as-fuck Pollyanna. That’s why I was worried. Now tell me what is going on with you and Maddox.”

I felt the need to evade that question. “You know exactly what’s going on. We’re having sex. Very amazing sex.” I didn’t know why, but I couldn’t admit that I had stronger feelings for him. Much stronger feelings. Actually, I did know why. I didn’t want to listen to her telling me all the reasons that was crazy.

“When does he get back?”


For a minute, I thought she was going to say something but she just nodded. “Cool. Okay, I have to run. Call me if you need anything.”

“I will. Thank you, you’re a life saver.”

“You’re naming the next kid after me.”

I laughed. “Of course.”

After she left, yelling at me to dead bolt the door behind her, I checked my phone, thinking I would have a text from Maddox. Instead I had a text from my brother.


That was aggressive. It worried me. Steven wasn’t prone to dramatics.