Maddox turned and pushed me against the wall. Then he pounded into me, hard, mouth just hovering over mine, but not touching. In a hot cocoon of steam from the shower and his hard, damp body, I let go and embraced my orgasm, crying out desperately.

He did the same and then we were staring at each other, panting, still joined together. I would have brushed a stray hair out of my face but I couldn’t let go of him. My whole body felt like if I tried to move I would fall. I was shaken, shoulders and face burning.

Without speaking, Maddox set me down carefully and turned away, removing the condom. I wanted to touch him. I trailed my fingertips over the breadth of his back. My legs were still weak and I wrapped my arms around him, leaning against him for support.

But he stepped away from me. “Get in the shower,” he said.

He wasn’t looking at me, but his tone was both commanding and sensual. I shivered, rubbing my arms. I had no idea what he still had in store for me, but I was looking forward to it. I slipped my bra off and stepped in.

“Aren’t you coming in?” I asked when he didn’t join me. He was leaning on the countertop, head hung so that I couldn’t see his expression.

Maddox bent over and drank straight from the faucet. “Of course.” Then he stood up and gave me a smile. “I’m going to be inside you until Sullivan wakes up. Just so you know.”

I returned his smile. “I’m counting on it.”

“What’s up with you?” Jana asked, nudging me as she went past my station. “Did you do your homework?”

I was drawing a sketch for an upcoming appointment and trying not to think about Savannah. I was failing miserably at that. We’d just had sex three times in twenty-four hours. It wasn’t likely I was shaking that anytime soon.

“Nothing’s up with me. I watched The Proposal but I’m not sure what I was supposed to see other than Betty White is awesome and I already knew that.” I didn’t look up from my sketch. A midnight client wanted a pirate ship on his forearm, which didn’t give me a lot of space for the amount of shading and detail I wanted to give him. “What’s up with you?”

“Nothing much. I just met someone and I’m probably going to marry her on my next day off.”

That had me lifting my head. “You move fast. Congratulations.”

She rolled her eyes. “You’re impossible to unnerve. It’s very unnerving.”

“Who am I to judge if you fall in love at first sight?” I’d been hot for the same girl for a decade. No judgment from me, that was for damn sure.

“It’s definitely lust at first sight. I was kidding about getting married. But you never know, right? All I know is she’s hot and I want to spend every second I’m not working with her. That’s a start, right?”

“It is. What’s her name?”

Jana was wearing shorts and black socks that came up to her knees and a Sailor Moon hoodie. She leaned against my chair and propped her head up with her chin. “It’s Brandy. Would it be weird if I tattooed her name on my finger so I can have her inside me when I diddle myself?”

I almost dropped my pencil. I started laughing. Jana was definitely one of a kind. “I get the concept in theory, but don’t you think she’ll find that just a little stalker-ish at this point in your what… one-week-old relationship?”

“You’re so practical it’s gross,” she complained. “Oh, hey,” she said. “Can I help you?”

“I have an appointment with Maddox Malone,” a decidedly female voice replied.

I turned and found a girl about my age standing there. She had dark hair and a retro pinup girl look. “Are you Maddox?” She stuck her hand out. “I’m Johnny.”

So the pirate ship was going on a woman? Shit. Now I was really out of room. A glance at her arms showed they were slim. “Oh, hi, nice to meet you.” I stood up and took her outstretched hand. “I was just given the name John, so I was expecting a guy. Which you’re obviously not. I shouldn’t have made an assumption.”

She laughed. “Nope. Not a guy. Not even close. Though I do like guys.”

I recognized that tone. Mild flirtation. I cleared my throat and let go of her hand. I wanted to stay professional.

Jana was suddenly up next to me in a way she never was. She was practically climbing up my leg. I gave her a “what the fuck” look.

“We’re hanging out later, remember?” she said.

We had exactly zero plans to hang out later but she was trying to tell me something, that was obvious. I cautiously nodded. “Sure,” I said.

Then Jana kissed me, so fast it barely happened. I was so shocked I didn’t pull away. Besides, it was over in a blink. Considering I knew she had no sexual feelings for me and that she was madly in love with a woman she’d just met, I figured she had to think she was protecting me from the evil clutches of Johnny, a woman we’d met two seconds ago.

Which was insane.