Her eyes were wide. “Oh. I see what you mean,” she whispered. “I don’t like casual sex either. But I’m not good at reading men. I always think they want a relationship when they don’t.”

“That’s because you’re a nice person.”

“It’s because I’m an idiot who thinks romantic comedies should be real life.”

Good information to have. “What is your favorite romantic comedy movie?”

“I can’t pick just one. Ten Things I Hate About You is up there. The Proposal. Leap Year. Always Be My Maybe. There are just too many.”

I hadn’t seen any of those. We were more of a horror movie kind of family. “What is it that makes those special to you?”

“I think it’s the idea that we basically overcomplicate love and relationships. It’s there, all around us. If we want it. That’s the message.” Savannah touched her son’s foot again. “Not that it’s worked for me. Which is why I told my friends tonight they each have the authority to set me up on a first date.”

Yeah, fuck that. But I kept my expression neutral. “With whoever they want?”

“Yes. Because they know me and should be able to gauge who I can click with. Do you mind watching Sullivan? It’s only four dates, but you know, the goal is one of those will be second-date-worthy.”

Watch her baby while she went out and tried to find Mr. Right? That sounded like fucking hell. But I didn’t have a choice. If I said no, she’d think I was a total dick. So I would bide my time and assume her dates were going to suck.

All while I showed her that I could be her happy ending.

“I don’t mind. I just have one condition.”

Her gaze lifted to meet mine. “What?”

“I get to pick your fifth first date.”

She looked confused. “You want to set me up with someone too?”

I nodded. “Yes. I’ve known you longer than all your New York friends.”

“Yeah, but, it’s not like you know what I like.”

It wasn’t a matter of what she wanted. It was what she needed.

“You can tell me what you like in a guy. Come on, what’s the risk? It’s just a first date.”

With me.

In the dim room, she gave a soft laugh, her expression amused. “Sure, why not? The whole point is statistics, right?”

/> “I thought the whole point was finding forever,” I told her, my hand cupping Sully’s body against my chest.

Savannah’s mouth fell open softly and almost imperceptibly she glanced at my mouth, like she wanted to kiss me. Like the intimacy of a dark bedroom, a warm bed, and a sleeping baby had made her see me in a different light.

Or maybe I was reading more into it than I should.

I let my gaze drop to her lips.

She reared back, like she’d been shocked. She twisted the ends of her red hair and cleared her throat. “Why don’t you try to put the baby back in his crib?” she said. “You need to get some sleep.”

I did what she suggested without a word. Sullivan was worn out and when I eased him into his crib he didn’t react at all. I drew the blanket over his legs and stood back up. Savannah hadn’t moved from the bed. She’d pulled the comforter up over her and was clutching it to her chest, as if to protect her.

I rubbed the back of my head and padded toward the door. “Goodnight, Savannah.”

“Goodnight, Maddox.”

I closed the door behind me and stood there for a minute, listening. For what, I had no idea. After a minute, I went back to the couch, where I lay awake for an hour, cock hard, wishing I was in her bed, inside her.