Blight, the: See Great Blight, the.

Borderlands, the: The nations bordering the Great Blight: Saldaea, Arafel, Kandor, and Shienar.

Bornhald, Dain (BOHRN-hahld, DAY-ihn): A Captain of the Children of the Light.

Breaking of the World, the: During the Time of Madness, male Aes Sedai who had gone insane, able to wield the One Power to a degree now unknown, changed the face of the earth. They leveled mountain ranges and raised new mountains, lifted dry land where seas had been and made the ocean cover once dry land. Many parts of the world were completely depopulated, the survivors scattered like dust on the wind. This destruction is remembered in stories, legends, and history as the Breaking of the World. See also Time of Madness; Hundred Companions, the.

Byar, Jaret (BY-ahr, JAH-ret): An officer of the Children of the Light.

cadin’sor (KAH-dihn-sohr): Garb of Aiel warriors; coat and breeches in browns and grays that fade into rock or shadow, along with soft, laced knee-high boots. In the Old Tongue, “working clothes.”

Caemlyn (KAYM-lihn): The capital city of Andor.

Cain, Gaidal (KAIN, GAY-dahl): hero-swordsman of legend and story, always linked to Birgitte and said to be as handsome as she was beautiful. Said to be invincible when his feet were on his native soil. One of the heroes called back when the Horn of Valere is sounded. See also Birgitte; Horn of Valere.

Cairhien (KEYE-ree-EHN): Both a nation along the Spine of the World and the capital city of that nation. The city was burned and looted during the Aiel War, as were many other towns and villages. The abandonment of farmland near the Spine of the World after the war made necessary the importation of grain. The assassination of King Gall-drian (998 NE) resulted in war for succession to the Sun Throne, causing the disruption of grain shipments and famine. The banner of Cairhien is a many-rayed golden sun rising on a field of sky blue.

Callandor (CAH-lahn-DOOR): The Sword That Is Not a Sword, the Sword That Cannot Be Touched. Crystal sword once held in the Stone of Tear. A powerful male sa’angreal. Its removal from the chamber called the Heart of the Stone was, along with the fall of the Stone, a major sign of the Dragon’s Rebirth and the approach of Tarmon Gai’don. See also Dragon Reborn; sa’angreal; Stone of Tear.

Carridin, Jaichim (CAHR-ih-dihn, JAY-kim): An Inquisitor of the Hand of the Light, a high officer of the Children of the Light.

Cauthon, Abell (CAW-thon, AY-bell): A farmer in the Two Rivers. Father of Mat Cauthon. Wife: Natti (NAT-tee). Daughters: Eldrin (EHL-DRIHN), and Bodewhin (BOHD-wihn), called Bode.

Cauthon, Mat: A young man from Emond’s Field in the Two Rivers who is ta’veren. Full name: Matrim (MAT-trim) Cauthon.

Chaendaer (CHAY-ehn-DARE): A mountain in the Aiel Waste, above the valley of Rhuidean. See also: Aiel Waste; Rhuidean.

channel (verb): To control the flow of the One Power. See also One Power, the

Chiad (CHEE-ahd): A woman of the Stones River sept of the Goshien Aiel, who have blood feud with the Shaarad. A Maiden of the Spear.

Children of the Light: Society of strict ascetic beliefs, owing allegiance to no nation and dedicated to the defeat of the Dark One and the destruction of all Darkfriends. Founded during the War of the Hundred Years by Lothair Mantelar (LOH-thayr MAHN-tee-LAHR) to proselytize against an increase in Darkfriends, they evolved during the war into a completely military organization. Extremely rigid in their beliefs, and certain that only they know the truth and the right. Consider Aes Sedai and any who support them to be Darkfriends. Known disparagingly as Whitecloaks. Their sign is a golden sunburst on a field of white. See also Questioners, the.

Chronicles, Keeper of the: Second in authority to the Amyrlin Seat among Aes Sedai, she also acts as secretary to the Amyrlin. Chosen for life by the Hall of the Tower, usually from the same Ajah as the Amyrlin. A slightly less formal usage is “the Keeper.” See also Amyrlin Seat; Ajah.

Congar, Daise (COHN-gahr, DAYS): A woman of the Two Rivers, now Wisdom of Emond’s Field. Husband: Wit.

Couladin (COO-lah-dihn): An ambitious man of the Domai sept of the Shaido Aiel. His warrior society is Seia Doon, the Black Eyes.

cuendillar (CWAIN-deh-yar): An indestructible substance created during the Age of Legends. Any force used in an attempt to break it is absorbed, making cuendillar stronger. Also called heartstone.

damane (dah-MAH-nee): In the Old Tongue, literally: “leashed one.” Seanchan term for women who can channel and who are, as they see it, properly controlled by use of a’dam. All across Seanchan, young women are tested each year until the age when the inborn ability to channel would have manifested itself. Just as with young men found able to channel (who are executed), damane are written out of family records and removed from the rolls of citizens, in effect ceasing to exist as people. Women who can channel but who have not yet been made damane are called marath’damane, literally, “those who must be leashed.” See also a’dam; Seanchan; sul’dam.

Damodred, Lord Galadedrid (DAHM-oh-drehd, gah-LAHD-eh-drihd) : Half-brother to Elayne and Gawyn, sharing the sa

me father, Taringail (TAH-rihn-gail) Damodred. His sign is a winged silver sword, point down.

Darkfriends: Those who follow the Dark One and believe they will gain great power and rewards, and even immortality, when he is freed from his prison.

Dark One: Most common name, used in every land, for Shai’tan (SHAY-IH-TAN). The source of evil, antithesis of the Creator. Imprisoned by the Creator in Shayol Ghul at the moment of Creation. An attempt to free him brought about the War of the Shadow, the tainting of saidin, the Breaking of the World, and the end of the Age of Legends.

Dark One, naming the: Saying the true name of the Dark One (Shai’tan) draws his attention, inevitably bringing ill fortune at best, disaster at worst. For that reason, many euphemisms are used, among them the Dark One, Father of Lies, Sightblinder, Lord of the Grave, Shepherd of the Night, Heartsbane, Soulsbane, Heartfang, Old Grim, Grassburner, and Leafblighter. Darkfriends call him the Great Lord of the Dark. Someone who seems to be inviting ill fortune is often said to be “naming the Dark One.”

Daughter-Heir: Title of the heir to the throne of Andor. The eldest daughter of the Queen succeeds her mother on the throne. Without a surviving daughter, the throne goes to the nearest female blood relation of the Queen.

Daughter of the Night: See Lanfear.

din Jubai Wild Winds, Coine (dihn joo-BUY: coh-EEN): A woman of the Atha’an Miere, the Sea Folk. Sailmistress of the raker Wavedancer. Sister of Jorin.