"Mommy can swim if she wants to," I said sharply. "Its good therapy for her."

"Sure it is. Like I told you, Harper, my halfsister is in a wheelchair. Fell off a horse. You ever fall off. Harper?" she asked him, her smile so full of lust I could see it glitter even in the dim starlight.

Harper smiled back and shuffled his right foot.

"Never had a horse buck more than I could handle." he replied, and they both laughed.

Then Aunt Alison looked out at the raft and squinted. "Is that Harley out there?"

"Yes," I said.

"Oh. How has Harley been since your Sweet Sixteen?'

"Fine, just fine. Aunt Alison," I said.

"Damn, it is hot. Harper. We should have gone to the beach."

"Told you," her boyfriend said.

"We'll go tomorrow. Maybe," she teased. She leaned against him and kissed him on the neck. "He's a pretty one, isn't he. Summer?" she asked. "I found him wasting his time at some college kid hangout, didn't I. Harper?"

"Yes,," he admitted.

"He fell in love with me the first minute, didn't you. Harper?" "Head over heels." he agreed.

"No, head first," she said and they both laughed. Then she turned back to me. "So you're going swimming?"

"I was about to," I said.

"Harper? Care to show off your best stroke?"

"Sure," he said.

"Let's do it." she decided.

Of course. I expected she would take him into the house, introduce him to my parents, go to one of the West rooms and change into a bathing suit. But right before me, she slipped off her shorts and began to undo her halter. Her boyfriend, excited by the impulsive action, fumbled at the button on his jeans. I was so shocked. I couldn't move for a moment.

"You're going in naked?" I asked.

"Skinny-dipping is the best-- right. Harper?" "Only way," he said.

My heart pounded. I looked toward the house and then as Harper slipped off his pants. I moved into the water quickly and started to swim toward the raft. Fled toward it was more like it. I guess. I don't think I ever swam as fast or as hard. Harley came to the edge by the ladder and helped me up quickly. We could hear them splashing and laughing near the dock.

"What's going on?" he asked.

"Aunt Alison arrived with a boyfriend named Harper, and they both took off their clothes."

"You're kidding," Harley said gazing toward them. "They're naked?"

"Yes. She's so crazy."

I sprawled on the raft on my stomach and looked toward the dock. Harley sprawled beside me. Their laughter echoed on the water. We could see them embrace and fall into the water and then splash each other.

"They look like they're having fun," Harley said.

"Fun? That's so rude. He didn't care if I saw anything or not. He didn't wait for me to turn my back."

"Did you look?"