"What's wrong?" she asked clutching her robe tightly closed and looking from me to Sarah and then back to me.

"Summer has something to tell you," Sarah said.

"What? So?" she followed. "I don't want to stand here in my doorway all night. What do you have to tell me at this late hour. Summer?"

"It's something terrible." Sarah replied for me. and Mrs. Bernard stepped back to let us in.


The arrival of the police on the campus went relatively unnoticed because they didn't flash any lights or sound any sirens. The black-and-white patrol car seemed to slip in and out of the shadows. Dr. Greenleaf had been called out, along with Mrs. Mariot, the president of the board of trustees. The lateness of the hour now made it all truly seem like a dream. As if to illustrate how important it was to keep all this discreet, no one spoke in a voice much above a loud whisper, not even the police. A policewoman had been brought along to speak with me and to take me to the hospital. explaining that I had to be examined.

"It's very important to establish as soon as possible that what you said happened did in fact occur.'

Doctor Greenleaf explained that he would have to phone my parents immediately. That set off a whole new round of sobs for me. Daddy asked to speak with me and I went to the phone before leaving for the hospital. He sounded so far off and so frightened.

"How are you, baby?" he asked.

"I'm okay." I said even though I felt so weak and terrified. I could barely stand. My throat was so tight, it hurt to speak, but I didn't want to put him and Mommy into a panic.

"We'll be starting out right away."

"I'm sorry, Daddy." I cried. "I'm sorry."

"Hey, don't you be sorry. No one's going to blame you for anything, sweetheart. You just do what they want you to do. I want that animal behind bars," he added, growing stronger with his anger. I could see him talking through clenched teeth.

"I don't want Mommy to get sick." I moaned.

"She'll be fine. She's stronger than I am," he assured me. "You just hold yourself together until we aet there. Promise."

"Okay. Daddy,"

"We'll be there soon," he said, his voice starting to crack with emotion.

I hung up quickly. The policewoman. Officer Wilson, had to hold me tightly and nearly carry me out the door to the police car for my trip to the hospital. Little did I know, this was but the start of a long nightmare.

By the time I was examined and returned to the dormitory, it was nearly morning. Sarah had fallen asleep but jumped up the second I entered the room. She took one look at me and almost burst into tears herself.

"Was it very bad?"

"Horrible," I said. "but the police have what they want"

"You look exhausted."

"I am. but I want to take a shower and get dressed. My parents will be here soon."

"Everyone's going to wonder where you are," she said.

"I know."

"I won't tell them anything. I'll just say you're not feeling well," she promised.

I nodded and went into the bathroom. I had barely toweled off and gotten dressed before Daddy and Mommy arrived, They both hugged me and held me. Daddy was right about Mommy: She looked stronger than he was. His anger and sadness for me made his eyes bloodshot and kept his lips trembling when he spoke. Mommy remained calm.

"Doctor Greenleaf asked us to meet him at his office as soon as you are ready, honey," she said.

"It was partly my fault. Mommy. I snuck out the window after curfew and went with him," I confessed. "I just wanted to go for a walk and talk.'

"Okay, honey. Don't get yourself so upset over it that you won't be able to talk. Just tell everyone who has to know exactly what happened."