The van's back door slid open and the lights went on.

"Hurry," he said, taking my arm and rushing me along. "before one of the corrections officers sees us."

"They're not that bad," I said, but he practically shoved me into the vehicle. Then he jumped in beside me. A moment later, the lights went off and the van door closed and locked in place.

"Safe," he declared and let out a sigh of relief, "Mr. Dickens, the dorm Nazi, can't see us from the dorm anyway. He goes around sniffing like a hound dog, hoping to catch the scent of smoke or something worse. Something better, I mean," Duncan quipped. "Did you want a cigarette? There's a pack in the glove compartment."

"No thanks. I don't smoke."

"That's right. Daddy's a health guru. I forgot."

"I wouldn't smoke anyway," I said.

"Even a joint?"

"Especially not a joint," I said. He raised his eyebrows skeptically.


"I mean it," I said firmly.

"Good. I wouldn't want to get involved with a bad girl." he added. laughing.

"You can tease me all you want."

"Hey. I'm just having a little fun. That's why we're here, isn't it?"

I glanced at him and then looked toward the administration building ,

"I don't want to stay here long," I said. "We're sure to be seen."

"Relax." He leaned back on his seat and closed his eyes. "Watch this."

He pushed a button on the door and the back of his seat started to level out until he was nearly prone.

"I sleep here sometimes," he told me. Then he hit another button on his remote and the music started.

"Isn't that Ravel's Bolero?"

"Uh-huh. You ever see the movie 10?"

"I don't think so."

"Oh it's in that movie and its just great, perfect for the scene."

The Bolero began to build slowly, getting louder and louder. I gazed back toward the dorms. I wasn't feeling comfortable or titillated anymore. Duncan continued to lie there with his eyes closed.

"I thought we were just going for a short walk." I said.

"Relax. You're too uptight about everything." He took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

"You don't want to get into trouble, do you?"

"Whatever," he said. "I didn't want to come here this summer. My parents twisted my arm. Actually," he said lifting his head and turning to me. "I made them buy this van to bribe me. That's the sorta thing you tried to pin me down on before,"

"Why was it so important to them for you to come here?"

"They like me to be occupied while they're off living it up in Europe." he said.