It was the saddest moment we had together. I thought she was going to cry, but she turned over in bed m' stead and stopped talking.

After nearly a week had passed. Harley called me. We had phones in our rooms, but at exactly ten p.m., they were shut down. Anyone who needed us for an emergency or something after that would have to call Mrs. Bernard directly.

"How's it going, Mrs. Oak Tree?" I heard.


"I thought I'd surprise you and call."

"I'm glad you did. I could die waiting for you to write a letter. How's everyone?'

"The same." he said. "Roy's terrorizing his construction crew. My mother is humming hymns in her sleep. I saw your mother yesterday after I came home from work. She was down at the lake. We had a nice talk," he said. "She told me things about her youth I never knew,"

"I miss everyone already."


"Especially you, Harley. When can you visit? I have to get special permission to go off campus. and I don't expect Mommy and Daddy would want me to ride off on your motorcycle here if I can't there," I added quickly. I didn't want him to be disappointed.

"That's all right. I wouldn't want to do anything but see you anyway. How's the weekend after next sound?" he offered. "I won't have to work that weekend."

"It sounds wonderful."

"I'll be there by noon Saturday."

"Good. You can have lunch at the cafeteria with me. The food isn't anything special, but you'll enjoy meeting everyone and..."

"Isn't there an oak tree we can sit under? I'll stop and buy us some sandwiches and cans of soda."

"Yes, there is."

"All I want to do is spend some time with you. Summer," he said.


"How's your new roommate?"

"Interesting," I said. "You will at least have to meet her." He was silent a moment.

"This place isn't the same without you," he finally said. "Even the birds are complaining."

I laughed.

"I sent out all my applications." he continued. "Lot of good it will do."

"Don't you be pessimistic." I warned him.

"Okay," he said. "I'll be a dreamer as long as I can include you. Can I?"

"Of course you can." I said. It sounded too formal, too much like giving him permission to include me on some paperwork. I regretted my tone immediately.

"What about if I just dream about you?" he pursued.

"We might meet then," I said. "I'll have the same dream, only about you.'"

I could almost hear him smile,

"I'll call you again before I come up," he promised.