both looked skeptical. Mommy tried not to have too

much of a reacti

on when she saw him, but the sight of

his swollen cheek widened her eyes anyway. "Hi," he said and they nodded. speechless. "What did you tell them?" he asked as we

walked away.

"Exactly what you told me,"

"They look like they don't believe it."

I stopped.

"Who would?" I asked and he laughed. We went to the office and began to review his

social studies material first. We worked the same time

all the remainder of the week, then we expanded our

study hours as the final exam dates approached.

Daddy was worried I was spending too much time

helping Harley and not enough on my own work. but I

assured him I wasn't.

What I discovered was if Harley really did

concentrate on something, he could gasp it rather

quickly. In the beginning Daddy looked in on us

occasionally. Whenever he did. Harley glanced at me

with that sardonic smirk on his face. I ignored it until

Mrs. Geary started appearing, ostensibly to clean

something or find something.

"A little paranoia floating through this house?"

Harley asked.

I couldn't think of any excuses so I just ignored

his remark. But for the last two days before finals. I

decided we would study in my room. There. I closed

the door.

When we were little, growing up together.

Harley was in my room from time to time, but over