"You've got to keep the reins firmly on your boyfriends, girls, or they'll go kicking and banging into everything. You know I'm right, don't you?" she asked them. Some of them nodded. Some laughed nervously. Amber looked shocked for me and kept glancing my way.

Aunt Alison turned back to Chase.

"The only reason to fight, honey, is to protect your lady. You don't want to do anything to spoil that handsome face of yours, do you?"

"No ma'am," Chase said. gloating.

"You won't forget my good advice, will you, sweet thing?" she asked him.

Chase never skipped a beat. "No ma'am," he said, winking at his buddies. "I won't forget a thing about you."

I saw their smiles and their laughter, Aunt Alison didn't see what a fool she was making of herself. She thought she was the cat's meow and sauntered back to the adults' table.

"Wow!" Chase said, dabbing his forehead with a napkin. "If I had an aunt like that. I'd really look forward to Thanksgiving."

Everyone laughed but Amber and me. I knew Aunt Alison had already had too much champagne and I knew my grandmother Megan and my

grandfather Grant thought so, too, but she was hard to stop once she got started. Minutes later she was on the dance floor with two of Chase's buddies, moving so suggestively, she could have been in an X-rated club.

Finally. Grandfather Grant got her to sit down, only that turned her bitter and sarcastic, which only made them more uncomfortable. Mommy often told me she was their burden for life. Now I understood.

The highlight of the party was Mrs. Geary's birthday cake. She had Mr. Lynch help her bring it out. It really was a spectacular sight, all candy-pink and in tiers like a wedding cake. She insisted on cutting the pieces herself. Everything about cooking and serving was an art to her, but the extra tender loving care she put into it all warmed my heart.

"Happy birthday, dear," she told me when she handed me the first piece. I hugged and kissed her, which embarrassed her, but pleased her. too.

After the cake I opened presents, looking toward Harley's house occasionally. I saw the present with his name on it and I didn't open it. I put it aside. Only

Mommy seemed to catch my action. smiling and nodding.

I was really surprised at the gift Uncle Roy and Aunt Glenda had bought me. Uncle Roy had chosen a very expensive pearl necklace with a gold heart locket at the center. In it he had placed his and my mother's pictures. I was overwhelmed by the gift. of course, but the idea of having a locket with Mommy's picture and Uncle Roy's and not Daddy's beside it struck me as odd. When Mommy saw it, her smile stopped just before it completely formed, but her eves darkened a bit. She glanced at Uncle Roy. who was staring at me and smiling.

"It's very beautiful, honey." she said quickly. "Roy, you shouldn't have spent so much."

Uncle Roy pressed his lips together and nodded.

"It's my pleasure. I mean, our pleasure," he replied. "Happy birthday again. Princess."

"Princess?" Chase whispered in my ear. "I knew I should be at your feet, licking your toes."

"Stop it." I warned him, but he laughed and promised he would tickle my toes with the tip of his tongue.

After I opened all the gifts, the dancing continued into the early evening. When the first stars appeared in the twilight sky, some of my friends began to leave. Everyone said they had the best time. No one even made a passing reference to the incident with Harley and Chase.

"How about we go for that ride now so I can give you my special present?" Chase asked me.

"I can't," I said. "I can't leave the family and I'm tired anyway. Chase."

"You're kidding. They won't care. They'd understand. It's your special day and night. Summer. You want me to ask your father's permission? I'll do it," he offered.


"Why not?" he snapped angrily. He hated ever being disappointed because in his world it happened so rarely. He stared at me, waiting for a response. "You're not mad at me for what happened on the raft with Hardly Do Good, are you?"

"You did start it. Chase, when you threw Amber off the raft. and I told you I don't like you calling him that."

"I was just having some fun. He didn't have to go be Mr. Macho Man and then bite me. Why are you taking his side anyway? You saw it all."

"I'm not taking any side."