He let the boat drift and then moved over so he was sitting on the floor at my feet.

"They can't see me down here," he said in a conspiratorial tone and leaned over to kiss my toes.

"Stop it." I squealed, but he held onto my foot at the heel and touched the bottom at the arch with the tip of his tongue. It took me by complete surprise, but it sent a warm, electric surge up my lea.

"Stop, they can see you."

"No, they can't. Just keep looking like you're talking. Nod your head. Go on." he suggested. His hand moved up the side of my leg to my thigh. Then he got on his knees and looked back at the short, reaching over with his other hand to touch the water as his right hand reached my inner thigh. I stopped it there. H'Don't. Chase.

"Just frying to give you something special," he whispered. "It's fun while they're all looking at us. They can't see. C'mon," he said pushing up against my hand. "I'll make you feel good."

I swallowed down a throat lump, feeling a wave of heat wash over me.

"Don't," I said a lot more firmly. "It's hot. Let's go swimming.'"

Without any further warning. I stood up and then dove off the boat into the lake. He looked both shocked and disappointed. I started toward the raft.

"Hey!" he called. "What are you doing?"

"Try to catch me," I called back. He sat on the bench and dug the oars into the water, turning the boat and starting in my direction. I jabbed my hands in deeply and took long, graceful strokes, swimming better than ever. Finally. Chase gave up the rowing and dove in after me, putting on his Olympic-style speed. I just reached the ladder of the raft when he caught me and held me at the waist, keeping me from going up the ladder.

I screamed as he pulled me off. The moment I went under the water, his hands moved up from my waist and over my breasts, nearly lifting my top away. I shot up and spit the water out.

"Stop," I said and climbed up the ladder. I immediately adjusted my top.

Harley was lying back, his hands behind his head. Amber was sitting on the edge where she had been before. Harley had one eye open, watching me.

Some of the others started to swim for the raft as Chase followed me.

"And what are you two up to?" Chase asked in a wry voice and with a lusty smile. "And don't tell me hardly anything."

I glared furiously at him.

Amber blushed right down to her cleavage.

"We were just waiting here for you with our hearts pounding," Harley said. He turned slowly to look up at Chase.

"Something has to make it pound." Chase said. Harley didn't respond. Amber looked away and Chase took the opportunity to grab her at the waist and toss her off the raft. She screamed as she hit the water.

"Why did you do that?" I cried, feeling sorry for her. I knew how insecure she was already. Now she would feel so stupid and embarrassed because it had happened right in front of Harley. I thought,

Before I could stop him. Harley turned and kicked at Chase's legs, hitting them at the calves and sending Chase forward, where he lost his balance and fell off the raft. Some of the kids swimming toward us laughed and teased Chase, who came up sputtering, g. He swam around to the ladder and pushed Amber out of his way.

"Don't start anything," I cried as he came charging up. "I'm not starting anything," he said. "I'm finishing."

He lunged at Harley and the two of them wrestled on the raft, each trying to force the other off the edge. I screamed. On shore. Uncle Roy and Daddy came to the edge of the water and started shouting in our direction. I saw Mommy wheel herself around the table toward them. Aunt Glenda kept her head down.

Neither Harley nor Chase would stop. Chase was stronger and finally got Harley almost to the raft's edge. Rather than go over. Harley bit Chase's hand, forcing him to release his grip. Then he lowered his head and hit Chase in the stomach with his shoulder, sending him backward, where he sat down hard and nearly fell over the edge, just catching himself from falling into the water,

"You bastard!" Chase cried.


top!" I screamed as loudly as I could, Harley glanced at me and then dove off the raft and started for shore. Chase regained his balance, pulled himself upright on the raft and looked at his hand.

"Jesus, that animal bit me. Look," he said showing me his hand. The skin had been broken and there was a line of blood. 'Ill have to get a tetanus shot. Who knows what diseases are in him?"

The other kids arrived, everyone shocked at the sight of Chase's wound.