"Oh stop it, you idiot." I pushed his head and he fell over laughing.

We both turned as a large black Mercedes drove up. I knew it was one of my best friends. Amber Simon, a dark brunette who was a little on the heavy side, but with beautiful almond eyes and a sweet disposition. She had a crush on Harley. and I think he sensed it every time she came over and spent any time with him. I tried to be a matchmaker, telling him that

if she had someone take interest in her, she would gain self-confidence, lose weight and stop eating out of frustration. His answer was that her parents should just lock her in a room. He admitted that she was nicer than most of my friends and even admitted she had a pretty face hidden under those "mushy cheeks," but he didn't show any real interest.

Amber still had hopes.

She got out and called to us. Harley leaped to his feet.

"I'd better go put on my bathing suit and help get the boats and stuff set up," he said. "I promised your father I would take care of that."

"At least say hello to her first. Harley."

He cupped his hands and screamed, "HELLO!"

Then he gave me his impish. Kevin Bacon smirk and headed back to his house, sauntering past Uncle Roy and Daddy without so much as glancing at them. They stopped talking and watched him go by, Uncle Roy shaking his head.

My heart felt heavy for Harley.

It was as if a cloud always hung above him, always casting a shadow over him, always threatening cold rain.

Even today.

Even on my birthday.

"Where's Harley going?" Amber asked, looking after him with disappointment. "He's coming to the party, isn't he?" she asked, her voice tinted with fear.

"Yes. He's just going to put on his bathing suit. He wants to get the boats, kayaks and the pedal boats set up for everyone."


"You brought your suit. right?"

"I hate what I look like in a bathing suit," she complained immediately.

"Didn't you bring it?"

"Yes," she admitted, swinging her bag toward me, "but Yin not putting it on."

"Of course you are," I insisted. "C'mon," I said taking her back to my house. "Let's talk before the others get here, and don't you dare do anything to make me unhappy today, Amber," I warned.

She rolled her eyes, looked after Harley once more and then followed me inside.

Mommy was just wheeling herself down the hallway and turned to greet us as we entered.

"Hi, Mrs. Clarke." Amber said. She went to her quickly and kissed her on the cheek.

That was what I liked the most about Amber. She wasn't only oblivious to the fact that Mommy was half African American, she also was uninhibited about her being in a wheelchair. Most of my other girlfriends weren't as generous or as comfortable around Mommy as Amber was.

"Hi, Amber, How's your mother doing?"

Amber's mother had recently been operated on to have her gallbladder removed. The doctors had told her it was so bad it could burst and rushed her into the operating room. Amber was in school at the time, and her father sent for her. Like me, she was an only child and very close to her parents.

"She's fine, thank you. Mrs. Clarke."

"I'm glad to hear it," Mommy said, even though she didn't see Mrs. Simon much. Amber's family was one of those southern aristocratic families who could trace their roots back to the early colonial days and let everyone know it.

"This is going to be a fun day," Amber predicted. Mommy beamed at me.