I bit down an my lip and held my breath to keep myself from crying.

I nodded.

We paused as we went out the front door and I looked around the beautiful campus.

"Let's get out of here," Daddy said. "before I smash something."

While he and I packed my things. Mommy rested in Mrs. Bernard's quarters, who made coffee and brought her something to eat. Daddy took my things out to the van and loaded them in. As he was doing so. Sarah arrived.

"What's happening?" she asked, her face full of worry and fear.

"I'm leaving the school. They've expelled Duncan, and they don't want any bad publicity. My parents are very angry. I can't stay here."

"Is Duncan in jail?"

"I don't know where he is. Daddy's going to deal with all that."

"Oh," she said plopping on her bed. "I hate to see you go."

"I know. Let's stay friends." I said. "Please write me."

"Okay." She nodded and shrugged, "I'll miss you."

"Me too." I said.

We hugged and Daddy came to the door.

"All set," he said.

I introduced him to Sarah and then introduced her to Mommy. "I'm sorr

y about all this." she told them.

"Thank you."

"You'll call me, won't you?" she asked me.

"Yes, of course, and write and everything," I said. She followed us out to the van.

"The place is buzzing,'" she whispered. "but no one knows any details. They just know something's not right because Duncan didn't show up for his classes, nor for practice either, and his roommate saw him get into a police car."

I nodded.

"None of it will be a secret too much longer. despite what Dr. Greenleaf hopes," I said.

"I swear I won't be the one to gossip."

"I know. Take care of yourself," I said. "You too."

I started to get into the van after Daddy had Mommy secure. Sarah stood there. watching.

She lifted her hand to wave goodbye as Daddy started the engine. Would we ever see each other again?

Sometimes, people do pass each other like trains in the night, glimpsing through the lit windows for a few fleeting seconds, capturing an image, a word, a small memory and then going on, into their separate worlds, leaving only the echo to linger for a few moments before dying out like candle light and leaving only the darkness.

The school fell back behind me, the music drifting away in the wind.

"Are you all right. honey?" Mommy asked.