Stanley Haskins stared at him, only his eyes betraying his discomfort. His soft smile lingered on those rubber band lips.

"Well. Mr. Clarke. I'm afraid what you and I used to call a date has changed. Any occurrence where the two parties willingly meet to enjoy each other's company would fall under that heading these days."

"Well, what's that matter?" Daddy charged.

"It will matter very much if this ever sees daylight in a courtroom," he replied calmly.


"Let's begin with what we know. We've gathered some information that will help us here. There was a school dance earlier in the evening. Summer danced with Duncan Fields and they appeared to be getting along fine. One of our chaperones. Mr. Saunders, even had the impression they knew each other well, very well," he added glancing at me. "Did you get to know Duncan before the dance. Summer?" he asked me.

Mommy and Daddy both looked to me for my answer.

"No sir. Not really. I saw him on the campus, but we never spoke before the night of the dance."

"What if she knew him anyway?" Daddy asked. "We're talking about rape!"

"Can I play the devil's advocate here for a few minutes. Mr. Clarke, and maybe save you, your wife and daughter some terrible aggravation?"

Daddy glared at him.

"Please do. Mr. Haskins," Mommy said, her eyes small and penetrating.

Mr. Haskins directed himself more to her after that. He turned back to me.

"You met Duncan Fields for the first time at the dance, danced with him once, and then, when he came to your room, willingly crawled out your window, violating the school's rules, and went off with him with nothing more than your nightgown and robe on at the time?" he asked quickly.

"I just thought I was going for a walk," I said. "So that's all true'?"

"I was just going for a walk," I said more firmly.

"But you went with him into his van. Why?"

I glanced at Mommy. Tears were burning under my eyelids.

"He wanted to show me his new car."

"Couldn't you just look in it? Did you have to get into it?'

"He made the door open with his remote key and..."

"Why didn't you stop and return to the dorm?"

"He said he wanted to show me his music and... I didn't want to get in."

"But you did. Did he drag you in?"

"Well, he practically pushed me."

"But you got in willingly? You didn't scream, resist, did you? Well, did you?" he demanded.

"Not then." I said, my voice cracking, tears popping at the sides of my eyes.

"What are you talking about?" Daddy practically screamed at him. "How does any of that give him the right to rape my daughter?"

"I'm not saying it does. Mr. Clarke. However, remember, you're asking the district attorney to go forward and convince a jury that she was raped and didn't willingly have sexual relations with Duncan Fields."

Daddy's mouth opened and closed without a sound. Mr. Haskins turned back to me.