"Try it. Lay back," he said.

"No. I'd rather..."

"Aw c'mon. Look at this," he said reaching behind his seat and producing a pillow. He put it on my side.

The music was getting louder. In the glow of the small television screen. I could see his wry smile. His eyes had turned into tiny bulbs.

"I want to go back.," I said and reached for the door handle, but it didn't move. "Unlock it," I said.

"What's the rush? C'mon, relax." he insisted and reached around my waist to pull me toward him. He did it so roughly, I fell against him and he embraced me tighter and kissed me before I realized what was happening.

"Welcome to Duncan Fields' love boat," he announced.

I thought that was all there would be to it just a big, silly joke: but he had other things in mind. When he didn't loosen his grip on me, birds of panic began to flap their wings hysterically in my chest and stomach.

"Let me go," I said.

"Don't you like it here? Just lay back. Give it a chance. You'll see how comfortable it is."

"I've got to get back. Duncan."

"Hold on." he insisted, now seizing my right wrist. His fingers tightened like handcuffs around my narrow bone.

"You're hurting me."

"Then relax, will you? You're the first girl I've asked to my van here, and there's a whole line who wished it was them."

"Then go knock on one of their windows," I said. "I want to go back now."

The music was getting louder and louder.

"You sure didn't dance like a girl who wants to go back now. Why do you have to be such a tease?"

"I'm not a tease. Dancing is one thing. This is another. Please let go of my wrist."

"You crawled out of that window pretty quickly and without much convincing," he continued.

"Now I realize I shouldn't have. I want to go back."

"No you don't. You think you do, but you really don't," he argued and then he kissed me on the neck, turning me more toward him as he did so.

"Duncan, stop."

"And you came out in your nightgown. too. Anything more under that?" he asked, slipping his hand into my robe and putting his palm squarely over my breast. "Nope. Just as I thought."

"Stop!" I cried. I tried to push him away with my legs, but he just reached down and under them, lifted his body, and pushed me underneath. When he dropped himself on me, I was pinned to the seat, which was now fully reclined,

His other hand began to pull away my robe and then went down to my thighs and lifted my


"Duncan, what are you doing? Stop!" I screamed. He stopped my second scream by putting his lips over my mouth, where he kept them.

When he released my wrist. I tried to pound his head and push him off, but he was so heavy and so determined, my blows fell like fists of butter against him. He didn't flinch or cry out. He moaned and I felt him moving his left hand between us, undoing his pants.

"You're the first." he whispered. "The first in my love boat."

"Let me go. Stop it! Stop it!"