"So, why couldn't you go someplace else, maybe in Europe where you'd be closer to them? You did go there before. right?"

"The rumor mill grinds on," he muttered.

"Is that true or false?"

"See what I mean? You sound like a lawyer."

"I'm just confused. That's all. I don't mean to sound like I'm cross-examining you."

He laughed.

"Yes, yes, all right. I'll confess. I went to music school in France last summer." he replied, "but I didn't want to go back to the same place."

"Actually. I was not invited back," he admitted.

"What? Why not? You're so good."

"There was a misunderstanding about something, and I didn't want to put in all the energy it would take to straighten it out."


y not?"

"Forget about it," he said a bit more roughly than I expected.

"I'm here now and with you," he added, sitting up as if he just realized it himself. "And there's no place else I'd rather be. I'm glad you came out with me. How do you like the van?"

"It's very nice," I said. "but I'm surprised. I thought you'd have..."

"Something more flashy? Other guys want those low to the road, high-performance sports cars. Not me. A car is a second home for me, and there's nothing shoddy about this. These are real leather seats. As you can see, the rear is great. roomy. I can get the whole jazz ensemble in here and perform on the road,' he bragged and I laughed.

"Well, I said I was surprised, but I'm not saying it was a foolish choice."

"Right. I knew you'd think that. I could tell right away that you were smarter than the other girls here."

"I am not," I said, not sure what he meant anyway. Smarter about what?

"Hey. you know what I have here? A video player and a small television set."


"Yes. Let me show you." he said,

"I really should get back. Duncan. Sarah will wake up and wonder where I am."

"She's out of it. exhausted. Don't worry about it. We'll go back in a minute.'"

He leaned forward to turn on his video deck and television, which were housed between the front two seats. I saw the glow of light.

"Relax, let your seat back a little," he urged.

Before I could react, he leaned over and pushed the button that lowered the back of my seat.

Something told me not to remain in the rear of the van, but instead to open the door and start back.

"Isn't this terrific? I mean, it's like a small apartment, my own apartment."

"It's great," I said.