"That wouldn't have been making a pig of yourself," I said.

"Yeah, well, you know how gossip gets started in places like this. and I know you have a serious relationship. Sarah told me."

"I'm not engaged or anything," I said so quickly I surprised myself.

"Oh. That's good. You mean I still might have a chance?"

"For what?"

"To win your heart." he said, his eyes glittering,

"It's not some kind of prize," I replied and he laughed.

"I like you," he said. "I hope you like me."

"I don't know you well enough to like or dislike you," I said.

"Well, I'll have to rectify that. if I can," he said. "Why don't you come out? We'll go for a walk or something and talk some more.

"What? You mean, crawl out the window?"

"That's what I did.'

"No, that's..."

"Against the rules. I know, We don't have to get caught and it wouldn't be that long. C'mon," he urged. "It's beautiful out here."

"No," I said, but my heart began to pound with the thought of it.

"Aw, c'mon. You're a lot more sophis

ticated than most of these other girls. I can tell." he said. "You're not going to let some silly rule keep you locked up in there. It's not even midnight. If you and I were home, we'd probably be up on a weekend night like this, wouldn't we?"

"Yes. I suppose so," I admitted.

"So? C'mon. Just for a few minutes. I was willing to risk my musical career for you. You could at least reciprocate." he added.

"Your musical career? Hardly," I said. He stepped back and held out his hand.

I looked at Sarah again. She still hadn't moved. Could I do this? Should I? At the moment it seemed to be the most exciting thing I had ever contemplated.

"Wait a minute," I said and tiptoed to the closet to get my robe to put over my nightie. Then I slipped on my sandals and returned to the window. My heart was thumping so hard. I didn't think I had the strength to crawl out the window. I moved it farther up slowly, carefully, and then I hesitated.

"Where are we going?"

"For a walk. What's the big deal?"

I felt like I did have a good angel on my left shoulder and a bad angel on my right, both whispering frantically in my ears. My good angel said. "Don't do it. Why is this so important? If you want to see him, see him tomorrow. Why risk getting in serious trouble for a walk?" My bad angel said. "You're such a goody- goody. The worse thing you've ever done is watch MTV after two in the morning when your parents thought you were asleep. Grow up. You're sixteen. Stop acting like a child. Live a little and have some fun."

I took a breath and climbed out. He helped me by holding my waist and guiding me down to the grass. For a moment we both stood there in the shadows, his hands still on my waist, his face so close to mine. I could feel his breath on my lips and cheeks. I stepped back.

"There, you did it," he said. "and you're still alive."

"I don't want to stay out too long."

"Me neither," he said. "I've got a dream that starts in about an hour, and it's a prize winner."

I started to laugh and he put his hand over my mouth. "Shh," he said. "You want to get me into serious trouble?"