for the county government.

When the time came for us to leave. I lagged

behind. expecting Harley would come along to say

goodbye. He had promised he would, even though he

had gotten up hours earlier and gone to work. It

looked like he wasn't coming, however. We were

about to leave, and I couldn't make Mommy wait in

the van. I was very disappointed when we started


But just as we got to the turn. I heard the sound

of his motorcycle and moments later, he was there.

Daddy pulled over so I could hop out to say goodbye. "Make it quick, honey," he said.

"Sorry," Harley said. "I was in the middle of

something I just couldn't stop."

"It's okay. I'm glad you made it even for a few


"I'll miss you."

"Just keep talking to Mr. Oak Tree." I said. I

glanced back at the van. Daddy was watching us in

the side mirror.

Instinctively. I grabbed Harley's hand and

pulled him toward me, away from Daddy's line of

vision. I gave Harley a quick, but firm goodbye kiss. He smiled and I hurried back into the van. We started away and Harley followed behind for a few moments before pulling ahead and then off

to the left.

Holding that hand up as always, knowing more

than ever that I'd be waiting for it.


Soul Mates


The Pelham School of Music ran its summer