
I thought Aunt Glenda was going to cry. Her

eyes filled with tears, but she sucked in her breath and

nodded. Then she looked out the rear window in the

kitchen to ward Latisha's grave.

"It could have been wonderful for all of us." she

said. "It will be for Harley." Mommy emphasized. I was so proud of her that day, proud of how

she could handle someone as fragile as Aunt Glenda.

Where did Mommy get all her wisdom? I wondered.

So much of her adult life was spent confined to the

wheelchair and to her therapies. She could have had

the most cosmopolitan life, traveled, met all sorts of

wonderful people, vet she didn't waste away at home

wallowing in self-pity. She kept the light brightly l


inside her and held off the darkness.

Because of Mommy's influence. Aunt Glenda

even went to a beauty parlor and had her hair cut and

styled and her nails done, They stopped at the

cosmetic counter in the department store and the

beautician on duty performed a makeover right then

and there to show Aunt Glenda some of the

possibilities. After she and Mommy settled on a new dress and matching shoes with a matching purse, Aunt Glenda did look as if her youth and beauty had been


No one was more impressed than Uncle Roy. I

know it caused him to think about himself as well;

without any fanfare, he went out the next day and

bought himself some new clothes, too. When Harley

saw what was happening, he looked astounded, but

instead of being happy, he seemed even more worried.