sitting position. I felt my heart stop and start as I

gasped. His right eye was black and blue and there

was an ugly swelling just under it.

"What happened?" I cried.

"I walked into a door," he said.

"Harley! Tell me!"

He looked down, took a deep breath and then


"When I came home after your party. Roy and I

had a bad argument. I lost my temper and swung a

chair at him. He dodged it and I went head over heels

and slammed my face into the bottom of the chair. I

nearly knocked myself out."

"Are you telling the truth. Harley? He didn't hit


"I wish he had," he said. "How do you think I

feel having done this to myself? Instead, he scooped

me up, threw me over his shoulder, carried me up to

my room where he slapped me down in this bed and

then went and got me a piece of steak. Little good it

did. huh?"

"You look terrible." I said, unable to hide the


"I know, That's why I didn't brush my teeth and

my hair and go off to school."

"You've got to go back to school, and you can't

wait for this to heal. Harley. There aren't many days

left for classes."

"What difference will it make?"

"I thought we had decided I would help you