"Yes you are. You like him, don't you? And I don't mean as a cousin only." He jumped at my hesitation. "I'm right. aren't I?"

"Stop it. Chase."

"That's it," he said. "That's sick. It's like all the jokes they make about people marrying their sisters."

"He's not really related to me," I moaned. "so stop that." He nodded.

"Are you going out with me now or not?" he asked in the tone of an ultimatum.

"I told you I have to stay with my family. I want to stay with them," I added. "It's only right. My grandparents have come far to be here and they're leaving early in the morning."

"Fine," he said. He looked over at the others. "Maybe I'll make it up to Amber." "What do you mean?"

"I'll show her a good time to make up for embarrassing her. Consider it another birthday present to you," he said, and swaggered toward her.

"Chase, don't!" I cried. He stopped and looked back. smiling. "Coming with me or not?"

"You bastard." I muttered, and turned away from him. My heart was pounding.

When I turned around again, he was talking to Amber. She looked at me and then at him. He had underestimated his charm and power when it was confronted by our friendship. She shook her head and walked away from him and I let out a trapped hot breath.

Even more frustrated and angry now, he did what Amber had predicted he might. He headed for Catlin Staffer, who had been flirting with everyone, especially him.

"You won't believe what Chase just asked me." Amber said.

"You don't have to tell me. I know what he asked. He's angry because I refused to go off with him," I said. "I'm glad you had sense enough to refuse him. too."

We both watched him walk toward his car with Catlin. "They deserve each other," I said.

> Amber looked sorry for me.

"To break up with your boyfriend today of all days." she moaned.

"It's all right. Cupid gave me a birthday present, too. He shot Chase's poison arrow at someone else."

Amber laughed and then looked sadly toward Harley's house.

"I feel bad for him. If I hadn't screamed and carried on, he might not have gotten into the fight and into trouble. Tell him I'm sorry." she said.

"I have a feeling he would have gotten into a fight with Chase no matter what. Amber. Don't blame yourself." I said. "And don't worry about Harley blaming you."

We hugged and she left with the others. I decided I would bring Harley a piece of my birthday cake and open his present with him beside me.

"Where are you going. honey?" Daddy asked me when I put a piece of the cake on a plate and started toward Uncle Roy 's house.

"I'm bringing Harley a piece of my cake. Daddy."

"Maybe you better wait until tomorrow. sweetheart."

"I'd rather do it tonight. Daddy. be right back," I said.

The rest of our family had gone into the house. Daddy looked at me with worry in his eyes.

"Don't get too involved in this,' he warned, "He's got to work out his problems with his parents himself, Summer. You don't want to get in between."

"He's not a bad person. Daddy."

Daddy didn't look like he wanted to agree.