"Wrong," he declared with the tone of a gong. "He would have gone without you. I was no help to him in his grief, And then he would have been up here all by himself and no one would have come in time to save him. Summer. You don't blame yourself. If anything, you kept him alive," he said.

I wanted to believe Uncle Roy. I knew he was telling me all of it to make me feel better, but maybe, just maybe there was some truth to it. too.

Later in the day. Daddy and Mommy arrived. I cried and kept telling them how sorry I was for making all this trouble, but they were just so happy to see me, they wouldn't listen to anything. Daddy went off to confer with the doctors and Mommy remained with me.

They checked into a motel nearby and came to the hospital every day for the next two days. On the second day. Harley woke. He was very weak but slowly he was able to realize where he was and remember all that had happened.

The night of day two, after Mommy and Daddy had left to get some rest. I got out of my bed. I wasn't supposed to. but I wanted to see Harley. I waited until there was no one in the hallway and then I went to his room. but I didn't go in. I stood inside the doorway, frozen, silent, hardly breathing.

Uncle Roy had his head resting against his palms, his elbows on his knees. He was still there, sitting at Harley's bedside.

He was crying.

Uncle Roy-- the gruff, powerful giant who lumbered across our property and his, who ruled with firmness over his work crews, who didn't ever seem to offer Harley any comfort or warmth-- was sobbing at Harley's bedside.

Harley woke and turned to him. Then he reached out and touched Uncle Roy's head and Uncle Roy lifted his eyes and they looked at each other.

"Thanks for coming for us," Harley said.

"Hell, boy, you did a dumb thing."

"I know:'

"Your momma would have hated me for eternity," Uncle Roy said. And then he paused and said. "You don't need to go running all over the country looking for a daddy, Harley. I'll be there for you. We both lost a lot, but we still got each other if you want," he said.

Harley was weak, but he managed a bright, strong smile, Then Roy rose to hug him and hold him.

I was crying so hard. I didn't think I could remain quiet a moment longer so I quickly retreated and returned to my room.

There were rainbows. I thought. There were still rainbows.


We both grew stronger. Daddy told me that the poisonous mushroom was the kind that could do a great deal of damage to liver and kidneys, but we were rescued in time for the effects of the poison to be reversed. He had learned from the police that Suze believed it would drive the evil spirit from us. Her mad beliefs, her paranoia about the demons coming to steal her dead son's soul was almost understandable, but Harley 's grandfather's need to avoid all reality was not.

"He was selfish," Daddy said. "He was willing to sacrifice his own flesh and blood to satisfy that need. From what I've learned, he most likely drove his wife to her death as well. It's all going to be particularly hard for Harley. No one wants to think he's inherited all this craziness.'"

"He hasn't. Daddy. Harley's not anything like that," I insisted.

"I know. We're just going to have to help him see that, too," he said wisely.

Uncle Roy had already begun to do that. lecturing Harley about his mother's good qualities and telling him that's the side of his family he's inherited.

We had some time together alone before I was finally discharged by our doctors. I sat in his room and watched him sip tea and try to hold down some toast and jam. He paused and with narrow eyes, turned to me.

"Roy told me how you were still blaming yourself for all this. Summer. He's right. If it wasn't far you, I'd probably be history. You might never even have known what happened to me. I'd just have disappeared. forever. Don't you dare blame yourself for anything,"

I smiled at him. "Okay, Harley."

"Stop making us feel we're just saying it to make you feel better, too,' he ordered.


"So," he said smiling, "where do you want to go next? I'll shine up the cycle,"

I laughed and held his hand. He was tired again and had to nap. I kissed him before I returned to my room, promising to return in a few hours. When I did. I read to him from the newspapers or we watched some television together.

Another day passed and the doctors decided I was well enough to be discharged. They wanted to keep Harley a few more days to observe and be sure he was free of any internal damage.