"Watch out for her. She likes to steal

boyfriends. It's a thing with her. It makes her feel superior."

"Who told you that?" I asked smiling.

"Gail Solt. You law she stole Neil Roland away and then dumped him a week later. Why else would she do it? Shell be after Chase for sure just to prove she can do it," Amber warned me.

"If he's so easy to win away from me, than good riddance," I said, holding up my neon green twopiece.

"Wouldn't it just break your heart?" she cried. I thought a moment.

"No. I guess according to your definition. I don't love him then." I added.

She looked shocked at my indifference. "Do you love someone else?" she asked.

"Why do I have to love anyone vet? I want to do things-- travel, learn, experience a lot before I give away my heart. Amber. Don't be so worried about it. You'll find someone to love and love you. I'm sure.'

"I don't know." she said gazing at herself in the mirror. "I wish I had your confidence."

"You I said, but she shook her head.

"No," she decided. "You're special, Summer. That's why all the boys want to be with you. I bet even Harley wishes he wasn't like a relative."

"Well he is in my mind and I am in his." I said sharply, maybe too sharply. She looked hurt. I didn't mean to be critical of her. I didn't even know why I was so adamant about it. I smiled to restore our Good mood. "So, you're free to win his heart."

"How can I do that?" she cried. "There are a lot of prettier girls coming here today."

"Just be sincere with him. He loves honesty." She thought a moment and then nodded.

"Then I do have a chance." she said. "because not one girl coming knows what honesty means."

We laughed and changed into our bathing suits. Cars were arriving. We could hear them honking their horns. The music had even begun. A rain of festivity was falling over my beautiful home.

"My party! It's starting!" I cried looking out of the window at what seemed now to be truly Mommy's magic place.

"Happy birthday." Amber screeched and we held hands and hurried down the stair' s to burst on the developing gala.

Harley was down at the dock setting up the boats and kayaks. He glanced back at the arriving guests and then dove into the water and started to swim to the raft, showing how little he cared to meet any of my friends.

I nudged Amber.

"Now's your chance. You can have him all to yourself. Just go swim out to the raft," I said.

She looked horrified.

"What if he swims away before I get there?"

"The lake is magical," I said. "You'll look like a mermaid to him."

"I'll look like a baby whale!" she moaned, glancing at her abundant breasts and wide hips.

"Take a chance. Nothing ever happens unless you do." I told her and went to greet my other guests.

Chase arrived with four of his buddies. He looked so handsome in his khaki pants and blue oxford shirt. Chase always had a tan. His friends teased him, calling him George Hamilton, Jr. I knew his mother had a tanning salon in their home, and he often used it. too.

Mommy came out of the house with Mrs. Geary right behind her and moments later.

Grandmother Megan arrived in a limousine with Grandfather Grant and aunt Alison. Grandfather Grant was wearing a light blue sports jacket, black cravat and white pants. He did look dapper. Grandmother Megan had a designer skirt suit. Her hair looked a shade darker than usu