"We've got to get out of here. That's all I do know," I said. Harley nodded and stood up.

"This is too small to be the entire basement for a house like this." he said. "It was probably built to be some sort of storage area."

He started to inspect the walls and paused on the far right.

"This part was built relatively recently."

He gazed around and then returned to the cartons, taking everything out of every one of them, finally holding up a pair of scissors. He looked at me, quickly becoming concerned.

"You're very tired, aren't you?"

"Yes," I had to admit. "I got sick from the dinner before, and it's left me feeling weak."

"You've got to rest," he said.

He found a few empty potato sacks and then formed a makeshift pillow with all the newspapers. He spread out one of the sacks.

"Lie down here for a while," he suggested. It's not very comfortable, but you can get a little rest while I try to figure out a way to get us out of here. Summer."

"Maybe they'll let us out in the morning," I said. "They've got to. We could die down here if they don't. They wouldn't let that happen, would they?"

"Don't make yourself sick with worry. Just rest. I got us into this situation. I'm goin' a to get us out of it." he vowed.

"I'm all right."

"Please, rest. Summer," he begged.

I rose and went to the makeshift bed. I sprawled on my good side and lowered my head to his improvised pillow. Then he drew another one of the potato sacks over me to serve as a blanket.

"You all right?"

"Yes," I said and closed my eyes.

Was this a dream? Would I wake up any moment and laugh about it?

I felt Harley's lips on my cheek and opened my eyes with surprise.

"Thanks for worrying so much about me and caring so much about my happiness that you kept all this to yourself. Summer. It's nice to know someone is that concerned about me and my happiness . "

"Then you're not mad at me?"

"Are you kidding? I can't imagine ever being mad at you. Well, maybe for a split second," he admitted.

I smiled and he kissed me again, this time on the lips. Even at this horrible time, I could stare into his face and see he really did love me.

"Sleep." he whispered kissing my eyes. I kept them closed, and he returned to the walls to find a way out of the trap I had put us in. It was all my fault, whether he wanted to say it or not.

The combination of the pain from my ankle, my having an upset stomach and the terror I felt after our being locked in this basement room was enough to make me sleep, despite my great effort to stay awake for Harley. I guess I passed out more than just slept. All I know was I closed my eyes and when I opened them again. Harley, exhausted himself, was seated on the floor across from me, his back to the wall, some of the wood pulled away, exposing what looked like an opening.

I glanced at my watch. Because there were no windows in this room. there was no way to tell if it was morning. My watch told me it was just a little past six AM. The sun should be up. I thought. Maybe they would wake soon, realize what they had done, and open that door.

I licked my lips. They felt so dry. Being down here in this cool, damp room made my muscles ache, too, especially after having fallen asleep in so awkward a position and on so hard a surface. I moaned with the effort to sit up. Harley was so still, his lips barely trembling with each regular breath. I rose to my feet and gazed up the stairway.

There was something at the top, something that hadn't been there before.

I went up the stairs and looked at what was a new carton. Opening the top. I gazed dawn to see two bottles of water and some of Suze's homemade bread rolls, cheeses, and some sticks of what looked like beef jerky. Included with it all was a sheet of paper. I read what was written.

I know you're angry right now I'm angry, too. You shouldn't have gone snooping about. Suze has read the signs and told me Fletcher's bad spirit had awoken in you and might take control. I don't believe everything she says, of course, but she been right most of the time.